Sunday, March 2, 2008

Susan is in the Hospital....

Sue went to the hospital this am, after she awoke this morhing her leg/foot were very swollen and she felt like she could hardly walk and was light-headed and "just didn't feel right" so she called her Dr who sent her to the emergency room at Memorial Hospital not too far from her home. Kari went with Sue and Ray...they had to wait 4 hrs just to get to see a Dr, then Sue was put into ICU because her sodium levels were dangerously low, I guess this is not uncommon in people who have cancer, however she was/is in danger of having seizures. They have done alot of tests, her blood work came back anemic, low platelet count and then a kidney specialist came in to do tests for the low sodium and they did two CT scans, one of her head and another of her chest. Kari took a cab back to Sue's to get her car and bring Sue back whatever she needed. The Dr's at Memorial are going to be speaking to Sue's other Dr's to get the PET scan results and get the ball rolling as there are too many things out of whack within her. So please pray for her and her Dr's who are trying to discover the extent of what is going on, that they will find out EVERYTHING and that Sue will be ok and calm.

It feels good just to have her under some dr's care instead of all this waiting....I feel just terribly for her and Ray, alot has happened in this 9 days, but not enough...we are waiting on:

1) results of the cardio test
2)results of the PET scan
3)results of the two CT scans done this evening
4)more blood work....+ maybe more since I have spoken to Sue. The Dr's at Memorial will be working to get the reults from the other tests done last week.

SO just keep Sue in your prayers, this is a very scary time as she is waiting to find out if the cancer has spread and what else is going on. Thank you so much!



Anonymous said...

I pray that you will find out the results of all those tests soon.

I'll be keeping you in my prayers.

Blessings, Shelly, Pete and the Boys

Unknown said...


We are all thinking of you and hoping and praying your treatments are a success. You have such a wonderful support group around you. Keep positive and know that we are thinking about you. Enjoy your visit with Mike, Kaylee, Ashlee, & Alex and keep getting better.

Tom Snyder and the guys at Walstad Tile, and Gail too!