I got a news flash update for you,THE DIAPER( Kaylee's nickname for Sue) HAS SHOWERED!!!!!!!We got Sue into the shower, and was she happy. I rigged up a dining table chair next to the tub, Sue sat on it swung her legs in the tub and stood up for the great shower Mom assisted her, but she did it mostly by herself !! Hooooray!!!. So that is the best news of the day as Sue said"I feel almost human again". Take care and talk at you later. Dad
(Sorry no shower picture...)
(Sorry no shower picture...)
This is the BEST NEWS I have heard all day!!!
Mom called to tell me and she was so excited as was I. Things we take for granted are daily victories for you and I am SO VERY HAPPY to hear this. Sounds like you are off to a great start this April 7th!!!
Thanks to both Mom and Dad for your assistance in making this happen!!
With much love,
I bet you took a great nap after all that! Way to go Sue!
Alrighta!!!! That had to feel great to take a shower yourself (mostly anyway). It's so nice that you have Sonny and Kay there to "assist" you and Ray. Susie you are taking everything on in leaps and bounds with such grace and style that it simply amazes me. We are all so very proud of you. Love and prayers to you and all. Have a great Tuesday. G
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