Monday, April 21, 2008

A Monday Rush

Monday was a surprisingly busy day for Susan. It started with the arrival of Tim the vampire. Well, not really a vampire, but Home Health Care’s phlebotomist to draw blood today. His usual visits are on Tuesday’s, but he wasn’t going to be here tomorrow. And he really wanted to take Susan’s blood, get it on its way to the lab for tests so Susan will know if she’ll be off the potassium soon. The stuff is really nasty, and it’s hard to swallow even when it’s stirred with juice.

Shortly after that, Velma arrived for Susan’s physical therapy. She took one good look at Susan and was delighted with her “tick arm.” It’s been over a week since she’s seen Susan and her arm, and she was amazed to see that the swelling had gone down. Not only that, but there was more motion to it. She was able to lift it higher than before.

While Velma was working with Susan, Doug went to pick up Kay. Kay usually arrives around that time to assist Susan with her general needs. After physical therapy, Susan took a shower and went on a road trip with her parents. First stop, they dropped off Kay at her apartment, then the two of them – Susan and Doug – went to Home Depot. They took a side trip to Sonic and picked up “slushees.” They visited the grocery store for more supplies.

It was bound to happen. Susan sat on the coma couch and took a nap. There’s no escaping the drowsy powers of the coma couch. It was a busy two days for Susan. She had no way of resisting the powers of the couch.

On a side note, Doug continues to make the front patio a perpetual Garden of Eden for Susan. He jury-rigged a regular pot and made it into a hanging one for a fern when doubting voices told him it couldn’t be done. Let it be known from all around not to question the Master Gardener.

Doug with his handiwork. If the roof avalanches to the front patio, we'll know why. But so far so good - no avalanche.

Susan requests that people pray for her sodium and potassium levels to be where they need to be so that Dr. Shree can lift her fluid restrictions and she can stop taking that awful concoction. Also, Wednesday is chemo day. Pray that her numbers continue to climb so she can make Dr. Nguyen smile again.

Until next time, we’ll keep you updated with more details as they come.



Kaylee said...

Thanks for the update Ray! I always look for it before I go to bed!! I am so happy about the "tick arm" and how the swelling is going down! We are praying many times for Sue's levels and we can't wait to see how God surprises us all with her levels!! Keep up the great attitude Susie!1 We all love you!

XOXO Kaylee, Mike, Ash and Alex

Anonymous said...

Ray & Sue,

Thanks so much for the update. Sounds like another productive day. You are sure kept busy with all the people caring for you. We are praying for all your levels to be where they need to be so you can get your chemo on Wed. also that your potassium will be up so you can get off of the horse pills. The master gardner is sure doing a fine job in all areas. Family is sure where it is at when times get tough. Keep that attitude going Sue and that smile on your face too. Have a great day on Tues. and we will be anxious to hear how God continues to answer prayer. We love you all.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I find the 'tick arm' to be a totally unacceptable state of human condition. You must be rid of it soon. I am pleased to see that you have already decided it was a bad fashion statement before I had to intervene. Great job on getting rid of that sucker!

It's good to see that spirits are high right now. Good luck on Wednesday - not that you need it. After all, you're so tough it's like an annoying dentist appointment. "Clean the teeth, gimme the chemo, yadda yadda…"

Stay strong and enjoy all of the wonderful TV you can! Until we speak again, take care!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great day! Way to go on the garden Doug! Praying for good levels, and a successful chemo treatment tomorrow!