Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Time For Gratefulness

This is not so much an update as it is a moment for a husband to give thanks where thanks are due. But those of you who want a hint as to how Susan’s doing, okay…here’s a quick tidbit and a reason why I feel there’s a need for gratitude.

Susan continues to grow stronger each day. She’s able to remain standing up longer than she could before. I hear you saying, “How is standing an indication that she’s getting stronger?” Well, I’ll tell you, you naysayers in three words: She couldn’t before. Again, it’s one of those things that we take for granted that we don’t know how difficult it can be when it’s a skill that becomes beyond our grasp due to illness or injury. So when you’re standing in the long line at the grocery store or the DMV, instead of grumbling and cursing under your breath, think of Susan who couldn’t. Now stand in wonder, literally, and realize to do something as effortless as standing longer is becoming an ability she’s now regaining.

Here’s something she told me this morning. Remember in past logs I said the primary reason why I bought the coma couch was so she could get up by herself and gain some independence? And she has. She’s able to rely less on Doug and me to situate her to sit upright or to fall asleep at night. The coma couch was a blessing. But that’s beside the point. Let me get back to what Susan said. What she told me was that she was in the front patio where the chaise lounge now resides; she sat on the chaise lounge, and she got herself off of it on her own. Did you get that? Are you reading this carefully? She lifted herself off the chaise lounge without assistance from Doug or me. How amazing is that when 2 to 3 weeks ago she couldn’t do that before, and I had to buy a piece of furniture so she could.

Another piece of evidence that Susan’s on the road to recovery begins with a nap, but not just any type of nap. A nap in OUR bed! She slept for a good half hour without feeling discomfort from her “tick arm.” She hadn’t been able to do that confidently since late January. She still can’t sleep in it for a full night, but she’s well on her way.

Which all of this brings me to the purpose of this entry. I am grateful.

I am grateful that I can look at Susan and see the color in her face all rosy and healthy. I grateful for the brightness in her eyes, and the beautiful smile she shines at me.

I am grateful for Dr. Nguyen whose skills and know-how is literally saving her life. She’s had three chemo treatments and she’s becoming stronger and stronger every day. There’s still 5 more ahead of her; but if 3 can bring this much improvement, I can only imagine what a full eight is going to do. Plus, keep in mind that with Susan’s fierce will to live and positive attitude, there’s no stopping her. She’s a force to be reckoned with and she’s still my hero.

And, yeah, I don’t want to forget Dr. Shree for improving her sodium levels. Saving Susan’s life was a team effort, and I can never forget about him. Many thanks to him.

I am grateful to Velma, Susan’s therapist. She has patiently and joyfully worked with improving Susan’s strength in her legs and her tick arm.

I am, without a doubt and without hesitation, grateful to Kay and Doug. Without them Susan and I would be at a loss. Kay has cared for Susan’s physical well being in ways that only a daughter can entrust to a mother and a former nurse. Doug’s presence has given me the reassurance that while I am away at work, he is home with Susan watching out for her and helping her around the home. I am so grateful for the two of them that I don’t have the words, other than thank you. Your company and your talents are priceless.

As for Susan’s sister Kari, I am grateful for her understanding, her willingness to help and jump in when needed. She has demonstrated profound compassion for her sister, and good conversation s. I know that if we ever need her more than what she already gives, I believe she is willing to give without hesitation.

And I won’t forget the one sister who has been a whirlwind of energy and generosity: Kaylee. I am grateful for her willing to be here at a moment’s notice, knowing that even when she’s thousands of miles away, she’s a phone call or an email away. And when she’s in our home she gives comfort like no other person that I know. Thank you, Kaylee, for all that you do for us. You’re an amazing person – in fact, you’re amazing like your husband Mike and your children – Alex and Ashlee. You’re all great people. I don’t call you Ministering Angels for nothing.

Of course, I don’t want to forget about all our friends: Deb, Kari Wells, Carol and Jerod, and Susan Inman for all that you do for Susan. You give her smiles and laughter, love and acts of generosity that I can’t even begin to count them all. I am grateful to you all.

And I won’t forget about all of you who prayed for Susan and offered her your heartfelt and beautiful words of encouragement. Everything that you people do makes Susan feel so much better. But more importantly, it makes her stronger. All that you people do for her benefit, please understand that along with the treatment from her doctors, you’re just as much a contributor to her health and well-being than you know.

Thank you everybody. I am grateful for all of you. And if I forgot anyone, please forgive me. There’s so many people to thank, I have yet to begin.

Thank God for all of you.



Kaylee said...

Ray- I am thankful and grateful for the blogging you do to keep us "out of towners" connected. Thanks so much and for your kind words!

Anonymous said...

I'm grateful that Sue is doing so much better every day, and that you are able to keep all of us informed via this blog. Here's to continued improvement, and another successful chemo treatment next week!!


Anonymous said...

Thank-you Ray for your caring kind words-Bless you for all you do for Sue, We love you! My deepest heartfelt gratitude to all the "prayer warriors" Sue told me again today how very thankful she is to all of you, stating "there have been days when I felt too tired & weakish to even get up & face the day & I thought of all those praying for me & I did & felt so much better." PLEASE know your prayers MATTER ALOT!! We pray God's blessings back to each of you with I trust in you Jesus, I love you all KAY