Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Please Keep Praying!

For those of you reading the blog this am, Sue is going in for her blood level check and chemotherapy treatment #4 tis morning at 9am. Can you please pray for her blood levels to be AMAZING and great and that they would be so good she wouldn't need any more blood transfusions? ALso that she would continue to have minimal side effects and her body would tolerate the chemo great!! Thanks so much for your love, care and support! I am praying that the Lord will work HIS miracle through her and take away her cancer and this chemo treatment would have a dramatic effect on her lymphedema as well. We will let you know later today the results when she's home from the Dr!! We appreciate your prayers and for checking on Sue!

Blessings to You!



Taunter said...


Anonymous said...

Good Luck! Rock out with your Blood Level out!!!

Okay, that didn't work... How about this?

We're pulling for ya! Smile. You're winning!