Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tuesday under the Houston Sun

Today was an exceptional day for planting, or in the very least, to pick the flowers that would be planted sometime before the next unlikely rainfall this week. It was 80 degrees, sunny, and while I was at work, I looked out the window and wished I was out there. Susan and Doug did just that. She felt less fatigued and couldn’t resist letting a day like this slip away. They went to Wal-Mart’s garden center and picked up flowers for planting. She pushed the cart while her and her dad decided which of their dazzling selection would go into the cart. I was pleased with their choices since they got me a cayenne pepper plant and a sweet banana pepper one.

Anyway, I digress as usual. After their excursion to the Palace of Save Money, Live Better, they stopped at Sonic and got snacks. This time, Susan treated herself to a giant slushie, which might I remind you kind readers that because she was taken off fluid restrictions she was able to drink the whole gosh darn thing without worries. She did…the lucky stiff.

In one hand she holds a planter. And in the other....look closely...closer...CLOSER, darnit! See it now? She's holding a giant slushie in her "tick hand." That's how much improvement she's experienced. She can actually hold items in that hand and hold up the cup high enough to take a sip when she wants to.

Tim arrived today to draw blood…or at least that’s what I’m assuming he was here to do. If not, then Tim and I need talk. Too much seems to carry on at home while I labor mercilessly away. At any rate, we’ll discuss that later, what I wanted to mention was his utter shock when he saw Susan’s Tick Hand. He was flabbergasted to see how much it’s shrunk since his last visit. I noticed since chemo #4 that there has been a consistent improvement to her hand – her arm as a whole. But it’s a good feeling to hear people who haven’t seen Susan for a week or even days apart since their last visits to take a sudden note of her improving condition upon their return.

For those of you who have seen the "tick hand" you can see how smaller it's become. It's almost in the same league as her left hand. For those of you haven't seen the hand, you might say that the swelling looks bad. But no, it was a lot worst before chemo #4; and it was even worst than that last month.
Doug got a little creative in the kitchen. He made jambalaya. It was very tasty (though I’ve learned to despise that word thanks to that spiky white-haired chubby putz, Guy Fieri, on the Food Network, who says everything he shoves in his gullet is “tasty”. Man, I am digressing tonight).

Here's a picture of Doug presenting his Jambalaya for all to see. I'm a little wary since he's standing much too close to my bowl that I have to hold it away from him.

Please keep your prayers coming for Susan’s continuous improvement. It really does show and it pleases me to no end to see her hand shrinking, the way she is able to lift herself out of chairs with the near same ease as before, and the way she can walk to the back patio and back with no assistance. Thanks to all and good night!




We have a new look for the blog! Surprise to Sue and Ray!! I thought this was much more Sue's style and as she is getting better I thought it would be more fun to have a more "uplifting" fun look!!

I received an email from Ray, he is extremely busy at work, so between all of us, we will keep you updated as to Sue's progress!!

I hope you enjoy our new look! ALso, we have a few prayer requests for this week if you have the time and inclination we would be so VERY grateful!!

Please pray that Sue's sodium, potassium and blood levels would remain normal and that her red bloods specifiacally would be normal (they were just a little low of normal last week), please pray for Sue's heart test she will be having to make certain after her 4 chemo's there has been no damage (Sue doesn't feel there is as her blood pressure has been great), and that the lymphedema in her arm/hand will go AWAY and so will the cancer that has invaded her body!!

Happy Tuesday and thanks for your care and prayers!!

XOXO Kaylee

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Susan's Warm Weekend

Well, here we are Sunday once again. We’ve had a good and restful weekend here in Houston. It rained a little and the weather afterwards was nice. Two accomplishments to report: One, I am able to work out on the back patio without assistance; for those of you who don’t know this, there is a big step there and my legs weren’t strong enough to maneuver well on it.

(Ray’s note: To better understand this, the back patio was where Susan needed constant assistance getting outside and going back in. I noticed as of late, when she required assistance, she only needed somebody to precede outdoors and hold out their hand out to her; she rarely gripped it hard or necessitated that much assistance. So I suggested that she tried it without my help. She was hesitant at first, but she gave it a whirl. She gave it a whirl twice for me and once for her dad. That’s in and out, folks. She’s on the road to recovery faster than you know it).

And, number two, I surprised my mom by taking a shower and getting dressed all on my own. Of course, I had Ray standing by that if he heard a big klunk to come running by.

(Ray’s note: No klunk today.)

The tick hand seems to be smaller than when I went into the hospital. I have more movement with my hand and forearm. I am thankful that it keeps shrinking. I look forward to the day when I can use it more normally.

Last night my dad made a delicious barbeque for us all. And tonight my mom brought over runzas, and Koo-Koo brought delicious brownies. I enjoy the family dinners on the weekends. It’s great to eat with everyone.

To my friends and family in Minnesota: sorry about the snow. Let me know when you want to come for a visit. Hee-hee….

Much gratitude and love to you all. As always thanks for your love, prayers, care, and concern. Have an excellent week.


Saturday, April 26, 2008

Dad's Update!

Here is my dad's Saturday update:

We started our day out with a brief thunder storm this morning, but then it turned out to be such a pretty day. The bbq was so good, I made a new burger that was so good it is called the basil burger and it is so delicious.I also cooked Sue's and Mom's favorite sausage, we had baked beans and corn on the cob, so all and all it was very tasty. Sue's doing so much better today, she has eaten better and is looking so much better. We had a real nice Saturday for her, lots of positive vibes going on here for her. we are looking forward to an even better day tomorrow, Mom is making Runza's, so anyway we are looking forward to eating them. We miss you all and wish you were here to spend time with us, take care and we wish Gods blessings to you all.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Another Dose of Good News

Well…she’s been waiting a long time for this. But the call came. She got word from the Doc - Doctor Shree that is, and Susan is now officially off the potassium. She doesn’t have to choke down that vile solution anymore. And more! He’s taken her off her fluid restrictions. She can drink what and as much as she wants going forward. That is great news indeed. So before I forget, Susan says a big thank you for all of your continued prayers. The one wish among the many has been granted.

For much of the day Susan spent recuperating. She wasn’t herself. She’s been feeling fatigued and somewhat yucky. It’s a common thing for her to feel that way a few days after chemo. It’s harsh. But in a couple of days she should feel stronger and have a stronger appetite. That’s the odd thing about chemo. It brings her down and soon enough it makes her feel stronger.

She was strong enough yet to try sitting in different chairs around our home and then lift herself from them. She did very well, she said. She was able to perform her self-appointed trials with ease. It’s good that she’s giving herself things to do to become stronger.

Before I forget, Susan’s mom Kay wanted me to write down her thoughts for the blog. I’m more than happy to oblige her:

“How Great Thou Art! Yes, God still performs miracles! I’m so very thankful and praise Him. My thanks to Dr. Nguyen and Dr. Shree for their wisdom, skills, and super care! And all of you “prayer warriors”: May God bless and give you grace. Sue, your “Sisu” is amazing. I love you and with you continue to say “I trust in you, Jesus.”

That’s about all folks. You all have a good night and thank you for your prayers. And when you get a chance give a shout out to Dr. Shree and Dr. Nguyen. They make a fine team.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

A Very Brief Update

Not much new to report today. The first few days after chemo Susan’s pretty wiped.

She did, however, receive a bouquet of flower from her coworkers. It was very touching that they did that for her. It brightened up her day, and made her feel connected to her workplace and those she worked with.

Velma noted that Susan’s “tick arm” was smaller. Her fingers were more apparent and thinner than before. But they were more so when I got out of the shower later than evening to sit down to jot down the blog; her fingers seemed more pronounced. She can even move her arm better. I’m looking forward to see what it’ll look like tomorrow.

Tomorrow Susan’s expecting a call from Dr. Shree tomorrow about her sodium and potassium levels. Hopefully her fluid restrictions will be a thing of the past and she can chug down a whole glass of water if she wanted to. Pray that her levels are good.

Thank you everyone for all of your prayers and good thoughts. Please keep them up. They’re working.

Until tomorrow….


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Chemo #4 and Some Really Great News

Susan about to board Doug's car, pumped and ready for her chemo. Go and get some, Susan!

It’s been March since I attended one of Susan’s chemos. The last time I went I was pushing Susan in a wheelchair trying to maneuver her in the elevators, around people and corners. This morning she strolled from the car to the doctor’s office using a walker. But once she was signed in, she got up with ease from her chair to the receptionist desk and back, into the examination room, and finally to the party room without it. I was amazed to see such a change in her in this setting.

The nurses took her blood for testing. I had no doubts whatsoever that today would be chemo day. Susan always has her doubts each time she goes, or at least, carries with her the possibility that it could be delayed. I didn’t have any doubts today. I could tell by the color of her face and her eyes that her numbers were right.

Sure enough, the nurse’s assistant read the numbers to us:

Her hemoglobin was 9.2. The last reading was 8.7.
Her platelets were at 198. The last reading was 139.
Her white blood cells were at 7.4. The last time she was tested she was 1.3.

Dr. Nguyen came into the room saying “Wow, did you see these numbers?”

Did you read that right? We got ourselves a “wow” from this very reserved oncologist. Not only a “wow” but a laugh of astonishment and a big smile from him that surprised even me. I’ve heard that he can smile. I’ve seen him grin when Susan cracked a joke. But a smile from him was like a blue ribbon for the finest tasting pecan pie – it was a reward duly earned after so much went into making it happen. I was amazed to see it myself. To say he was pleased with her results wouldn’t do the moment justice.

He patted me on the shoulder said laughingly and said, “she’s doing great.”

He proceeded to examine Susan and announced that that she wouldn’t need a blood transfusion tomorrow; which it was routine for Susan to go for chemos on Wednesdays and blood transfusions on Thursdays. Not this time. She’ll still need her mother to give her shots to keep her red and white blood cells, but extra pints of blood won’t be necessary.

He’s also changing her chemo to two different types. She’ll endure less of the negative side-effects and the medicines will focus on the cancer cells themselves, and not healthy ones. This is so promising. This is the chemo he’s been waiting to use, but was waiting for her white blood cells to be at the level they are now in order to that. In a couple of months he’ll consider giving her a pet scan. Now it wasn’t necessary since it was evident that Susan’s responding well to the treatment.

Upon leaving, he said in passing to us “she’s getting better and better every day.” Which surprised me; his comments paralleled Susan’s anthem of “I’m getting stronger and stronger every day.” I have no doubts in Susan’s commitment to beat this thing.

We proceeded to the party room and Susan received her chemo. She was in good spirits. She drank pomegranate and Fritos.

I stand beside Susan as she receives her chemo. If someone had offered me a donut my smile would have been wider. But no, nobody did. So this is all you get.

The nurses give Susan a thumbs up. They are great people. I hope the doctors give them raises soon. They deserve them.
After we returned, I went to work and Susan and her parents went to Le Madelaine for lunch. This was her first sit down meal at a restaurant. And in spite of the awkward stares and the encouraging smiles, Susan didn’t feel self-conscious about her appearance – and no reason that she should have. She’s beautiful and quite powerful.

Susan and Kay eating Le Madelaine's foo-foo grub.

I do have to admit, the restaurant's pastries do look good from here. I doubt anybody will bring me anything.
Here's Susan and Doug completely replete from a good meal. And look, Susan's bringing me a big bag of nothing.
All of this good news and Susan's apparent recovery goes to show you that your prayers and wishful thinking has the power to subdue the monster who is obviously failing to bring down Susan, and they have the power to make a reserved oncologist smile, too. Please keep it up.

Thank you all.


Please Keep Praying!

For those of you reading the blog this am, Sue is going in for her blood level check and chemotherapy treatment #4 tis morning at 9am. Can you please pray for her blood levels to be AMAZING and great and that they would be so good she wouldn't need any more blood transfusions? ALso that she would continue to have minimal side effects and her body would tolerate the chemo great!! Thanks so much for your love, care and support! I am praying that the Lord will work HIS miracle through her and take away her cancer and this chemo treatment would have a dramatic effect on her lymphedema as well. We will let you know later today the results when she's home from the Dr!! We appreciate your prayers and for checking on Sue!

Blessings to You!


Monday, April 21, 2008

A Monday Rush

Monday was a surprisingly busy day for Susan. It started with the arrival of Tim the vampire. Well, not really a vampire, but Home Health Care’s phlebotomist to draw blood today. His usual visits are on Tuesday’s, but he wasn’t going to be here tomorrow. And he really wanted to take Susan’s blood, get it on its way to the lab for tests so Susan will know if she’ll be off the potassium soon. The stuff is really nasty, and it’s hard to swallow even when it’s stirred with juice.

Shortly after that, Velma arrived for Susan’s physical therapy. She took one good look at Susan and was delighted with her “tick arm.” It’s been over a week since she’s seen Susan and her arm, and she was amazed to see that the swelling had gone down. Not only that, but there was more motion to it. She was able to lift it higher than before.

While Velma was working with Susan, Doug went to pick up Kay. Kay usually arrives around that time to assist Susan with her general needs. After physical therapy, Susan took a shower and went on a road trip with her parents. First stop, they dropped off Kay at her apartment, then the two of them – Susan and Doug – went to Home Depot. They took a side trip to Sonic and picked up “slushees.” They visited the grocery store for more supplies.

It was bound to happen. Susan sat on the coma couch and took a nap. There’s no escaping the drowsy powers of the coma couch. It was a busy two days for Susan. She had no way of resisting the powers of the couch.

On a side note, Doug continues to make the front patio a perpetual Garden of Eden for Susan. He jury-rigged a regular pot and made it into a hanging one for a fern when doubting voices told him it couldn’t be done. Let it be known from all around not to question the Master Gardener.

Doug with his handiwork. If the roof avalanches to the front patio, we'll know why. But so far so good - no avalanche.

Susan requests that people pray for her sodium and potassium levels to be where they need to be so that Dr. Shree can lift her fluid restrictions and she can stop taking that awful concoction. Also, Wednesday is chemo day. Pray that her numbers continue to climb so she can make Dr. Nguyen smile again.

Until next time, we’ll keep you updated with more details as they come.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

An Excellent Sunday

Greetings to you all.

We had a very busy ad fun Sunday. It started with Mom and Koo-Koo coming over in the morning for a quick visit. They brought me a new fluffy towel and lotion – thank you for your thoughtfulness!

Mom and I at the front patio. I'm feeling good and I'm wearing the blouse that Kaylee bought me. I love it.

Then Mr. and Mrs. Martinez, Gloria and Jessica stopped by for an afternoon visit bearing gifts of a beautiful bouquet of cut flowers and two plants for our garden, plus two very thoughtful cards from Gloria and Jessica. It was so wonderful to see them and to spend time visiting. They always have great stories to tell and laughs to share. Thanks for making the drive to the city, for lunch, and the wonderful time together.

Ray with his family.

Mr. and Mrs. Martinez, Jessica, Gloria, and me. We had a great lunch together and a wonderful visit.

The remainder of the afternoon was spent outside on the swing admiring my dad’s handiwork in the garden; taking a stroll with Ray; and making some overdue phone calls. Koo-Koo and my mom stopped by to drop off Koo-Koo’s awesome taco salad, and hang out with us.

Ray cooked us a fabulous dinner. That guy can cook like nobody’s business. After dinner dad drove mom and I to the ice cream shop, and she treated us for a little after dinner treat.

Yum! Delicious ice cream. Thank you Mom for the ice cream. Thank you, Dad, for driving.
Overall it was a fabulous Sunday. I hope you all had great weekend and that you have a fabulous week.

As always I am always grateful for your prayers and your love and concern. They lift me higher than I can explain.

Lots of love to you all


P.S. A special hello to Natalie from Missouri. It was wonderful to receive your letter. I will be writing to you soon. Thank you for taking the time to contact me and share your story.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Time For Gratefulness

This is not so much an update as it is a moment for a husband to give thanks where thanks are due. But those of you who want a hint as to how Susan’s doing, okay…here’s a quick tidbit and a reason why I feel there’s a need for gratitude.

Susan continues to grow stronger each day. She’s able to remain standing up longer than she could before. I hear you saying, “How is standing an indication that she’s getting stronger?” Well, I’ll tell you, you naysayers in three words: She couldn’t before. Again, it’s one of those things that we take for granted that we don’t know how difficult it can be when it’s a skill that becomes beyond our grasp due to illness or injury. So when you’re standing in the long line at the grocery store or the DMV, instead of grumbling and cursing under your breath, think of Susan who couldn’t. Now stand in wonder, literally, and realize to do something as effortless as standing longer is becoming an ability she’s now regaining.

Here’s something she told me this morning. Remember in past logs I said the primary reason why I bought the coma couch was so she could get up by herself and gain some independence? And she has. She’s able to rely less on Doug and me to situate her to sit upright or to fall asleep at night. The coma couch was a blessing. But that’s beside the point. Let me get back to what Susan said. What she told me was that she was in the front patio where the chaise lounge now resides; she sat on the chaise lounge, and she got herself off of it on her own. Did you get that? Are you reading this carefully? She lifted herself off the chaise lounge without assistance from Doug or me. How amazing is that when 2 to 3 weeks ago she couldn’t do that before, and I had to buy a piece of furniture so she could.

Another piece of evidence that Susan’s on the road to recovery begins with a nap, but not just any type of nap. A nap in OUR bed! She slept for a good half hour without feeling discomfort from her “tick arm.” She hadn’t been able to do that confidently since late January. She still can’t sleep in it for a full night, but she’s well on her way.

Which all of this brings me to the purpose of this entry. I am grateful.

I am grateful that I can look at Susan and see the color in her face all rosy and healthy. I grateful for the brightness in her eyes, and the beautiful smile she shines at me.

I am grateful for Dr. Nguyen whose skills and know-how is literally saving her life. She’s had three chemo treatments and she’s becoming stronger and stronger every day. There’s still 5 more ahead of her; but if 3 can bring this much improvement, I can only imagine what a full eight is going to do. Plus, keep in mind that with Susan’s fierce will to live and positive attitude, there’s no stopping her. She’s a force to be reckoned with and she’s still my hero.

And, yeah, I don’t want to forget Dr. Shree for improving her sodium levels. Saving Susan’s life was a team effort, and I can never forget about him. Many thanks to him.

I am grateful to Velma, Susan’s therapist. She has patiently and joyfully worked with improving Susan’s strength in her legs and her tick arm.

I am, without a doubt and without hesitation, grateful to Kay and Doug. Without them Susan and I would be at a loss. Kay has cared for Susan’s physical well being in ways that only a daughter can entrust to a mother and a former nurse. Doug’s presence has given me the reassurance that while I am away at work, he is home with Susan watching out for her and helping her around the home. I am so grateful for the two of them that I don’t have the words, other than thank you. Your company and your talents are priceless.

As for Susan’s sister Kari, I am grateful for her understanding, her willingness to help and jump in when needed. She has demonstrated profound compassion for her sister, and good conversation s. I know that if we ever need her more than what she already gives, I believe she is willing to give without hesitation.

And I won’t forget the one sister who has been a whirlwind of energy and generosity: Kaylee. I am grateful for her willing to be here at a moment’s notice, knowing that even when she’s thousands of miles away, she’s a phone call or an email away. And when she’s in our home she gives comfort like no other person that I know. Thank you, Kaylee, for all that you do for us. You’re an amazing person – in fact, you’re amazing like your husband Mike and your children – Alex and Ashlee. You’re all great people. I don’t call you Ministering Angels for nothing.

Of course, I don’t want to forget about all our friends: Deb, Kari Wells, Carol and Jerod, and Susan Inman for all that you do for Susan. You give her smiles and laughter, love and acts of generosity that I can’t even begin to count them all. I am grateful to you all.

And I won’t forget about all of you who prayed for Susan and offered her your heartfelt and beautiful words of encouragement. Everything that you people do makes Susan feel so much better. But more importantly, it makes her stronger. All that you people do for her benefit, please understand that along with the treatment from her doctors, you’re just as much a contributor to her health and well-being than you know.

Thank you everybody. I am grateful for all of you. And if I forgot anyone, please forgive me. There’s so many people to thank, I have yet to begin.

Thank God for all of you.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Your Prayers Are At Work!!!

Thanks so much for your specific prayers this week! Sue heard from Dr Shree about her sodium and potassium levels...and they were GREAT!! Sue was thrilled to be taken off her antibiotic today! Thank You! She will be kept one more week on her potassium supplement just to make sure all is well and her fluids will be restricted as well to see how she does. Sue is celebrating FREEDOM from the antibiotic that made her feel sick!! More good news!! Please keep on praying for her blood, sodium and potassium levels!

XOXO Kaylee

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

One Foot in Front of the Other

You might remember that song around Christmas time from the old animated show “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” that to me is somehow – in my own distorted way of looking at things - is indicative of Susan and her healing process:

You never will get where you’re going
If you never get up on your feet
Come on, there’s a good tail wind blowing
A fast walking man is hard to beat
Put one foot in front of the other
And soon you’ll be walking cross the floor
Put one foot in front of the other
And soon you’ll be walking out the door

She has – and is still doing – just that. Let me give you today’s examples.

She visited Dr. Nguyen. Again today, as he was last week, he was pleased with her blood test results. He was genuinely smiling today, which he rarely does unless Susan says something really funny off the cuff. This time, the Great Houston Healer was free style grinning. For the record and as future reference for you folks, normal blood platelets level is 140. She was at 139 today. To put it in perspective, when Susan was in ICU last month, her first platelet reading was at .01. See how far she’s come? Her red blood cell count is still low but higher than it was the last time around; the same goes for the white blood cells. Dr. Nguyen said that the numbers were where he expected them to be because of the chemo. We are hopeful that chemo therapy will be a go next Wednesday. I think so at this rate.

Susan spent much of the day outside in the nice 75 degree weather. Doug did a fine job in the garden not too long ago, and it was a perfect time to spend some time there.

It was also a time of discovery for her. She discovered that she can lie down in our bed, lift herself up, and stand up from it. This for those of you who didn’t know this, she couldn’t do that before for nearly two months. She can’t sleep in our bed still, because the “tick arm” is too uncomfortable for her to lie completely on her back. Hence the reason for the chaise lounge when she first arrived from the hospital, and why I bought the coma couch. But she’s getting there, and in no time she’ll be back where she belongs.

This morning I left a cooking magazine on the dryer and Doug and Susan found it. They found a recipe and decided to make a very good ham and potato casserole from it. Susan’s been aching to cook again. So this was the first opportunity to actually do it. She peeled the potatoes, defrosted the peas, put the cheese on, and oversaw the whole operation.

Here's the end result: A fine ham and potato and cheese casserole. It was awesome.

As a reward for her labors, she and Doug went to Marble Slab Creamery and bought ice cream. This was her first actual foray into a public place – not including a doctor’s office that is.
One foot in front of the other….That’s exactly what she’s doing. First across the floor, and soon she’ll be going out the door. There’s a good tail wind blowing, and she’s doing just fine thanks to Dr.Nguyen, Dr. Shree, and all the love and prayers from her family and friends.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

So Much Better and Stronger!!

Remember this picture??
It wasn't that long ago, maybe 4 weeks, Sue was in a wheelchair and needed help doing basically EVERYTHING!! Now, just a mere 4 or 5 weeks later she is doing AMAZING and I am filled with such hope I feel like I am riding on angels wings! She can do alot by herself, with supervision, and alot of WOO-HOO's from her family!!
Here is my dad's update for the day...
We had a really nice productive day. Very positive and fun, we made 2 road trips today, Sue got in and out of the shower (over the tub's high edge) without assistance. She is looking forward to her Drs appointment tomorrow at the oncologist to check her blood levels and see if she is on track for her chemo next Wed! Tim, the nurse who comes every Tuesday to draw blood for the kidney specialist came today and did his stuff, so all in all it was a very good day. We need lots more prayers and love and support from all, the beast (her cancer) is still here waiting to see if we will continue to fight, but we will never ever give in to it and we will fight until every cancer cell is gone. Take care and thanks again for your help. Dad
SO, I am asking you once again for your prayers, for they are really working! Please continue to pray that Sue's sodium levels and potassium are just right, so she may drink fluids normally and get off the antibiotic that makes her feel sick and tired. Could you also please pray for her blood levels to be SO SO SO G R E A T that they even surprise her oncologist, Dr Ngyuen?!! Thanks so much for caring enough to visit and for everything that YOU, our faithful blog readers and prayer warriors do, as YOU really make a difference to my sister, Sue! Your comments and your prayers lift her higher than you can imagine! Thanks again for your love & support!
XOXO Kaylee

On the Road Again

Monday may be a bummer to a lot folks, but Susan was going to have none of that. She decided to go for an outing. It was road trip time for her and her dad. Well, for people like us who take driving around town for granted, it was something of a voyage for her. First, they made a stop at Home Depot to pick up a couple of items for the garden. After that, it was Sonic – a drive-in fast food joint. Then it was a quick jaunt to the apartments to pick up Kay.

With her driving cap on, she was off on her journey.

Here she is in front of Home Depot. I wish she picked up a couple bags of mulch.

They surprise Kay when they pick her up.
Was she tired, one might ask? Of course she was not. Which it is a testimonial how bit by bit she’s regaining more of her original self. Her and Carol (her hair stylist who you may remember from an earlier blog entries who shaved Susan’s head and styled her wig) spent some LHOTP time together – for those who are not in the know (which I wasn’t, but could have been better off not knowing)is Little House on the Prairie on the tube.

After LHOTP time, it was nap time. For dinner, Doug made delicious BBQ.

This morning she rode around again. Doug and Susan dropped off Kay at her apartment. They went to Chachos - a Mexican fast food restaurant – and she had a nice bowl of tortilla soup.

But the biggest news was that she was able to take walk in and out of a shower without the assistance of a chair and a walker. She was very proud of herself.

Later, Tim the guy from the Home Health Care came by to take her blood. Tomorrow she should hear from Dr. Shree about her sodium levels. She really hopes this time everything is where they need to be.

Along the same vein (excuse the pun), she goes in for yet another blood test with Dr. Nguyen for a weekly examination to gauge where she’s at compared to where she was last week. Pray that the test indicates that she is on the right track for her 4th chemo next week.

Doug and Susan complete the evening by buying us dinner from Whataburger.
We can only guess what she’ll do tomorrow. Keep it up, honey. You’re doing so well and I’m proud of you.


This Blog has been viewed 1,000 times!

Susan's Journey has been viewed 1,000 times in 13 days! We are all so thankful you care!
I placed a counter at the bottom of the page to show how many "hits" per day we were getting of people stopping by to check on Sue! We all couldn't believe how many per day there were! Thanks so much for caring enough to check on Sue! Please keep praying, cause she is getting BETTER and STRONGER each day!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Quite the Cake Walk

Hello, Everybody

Huge thanks to Kaylee, Mike, Ash and Al! It was great to have you guys back. I’m glad I was able to enjoy your visit more thoroughly this time. Your visits are really, as Ray so aptly put it, a great beam of sunshine in our lives. Thanks for all the fun and laughs, love and care, I miss you all tons already. Hurry back.

More thanks: Jerod - the fish tank looks awesome and our fish look happy and healthy.

Carol – my wig looks beautiful, and I’m looking forward to some LHOTP time this week. ; )

Deb – your visit brightened my day. Thanks for all of the laughs…I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.

I walked outside to the front of the apartments. Then back to our apartments. Then my dad suggested that I go look at Greenie – my car. By the way, a huge thanks to Kaylee and Ahslee for making her look all nice, shiny and beautiful. I didn’t think I’d be able to walk nearly that far. When I returned to the house, I realized I could have walked even further as my legs weren’t even that tired. I did use my walker outside, but inside I’ve really haven’t been using it. My therapist Velma will be getting my cane hopefully this week.

Here I go between the cars with my Dad behind me and Ray nowhere to be seen.

The day was nice. It was windy. Ray's eating the dust I was kicking up.

We made it! We're standing at the front of the townhomes.
The walk must have invigorated my appetite. I was suddenly hungry for mac and cheese. I told my dad if he’d boil and drain the noodles; I can make it the rest of the way. This is my first foray back to the stove. I really miss cooking. Even though technically this wasn’t cooking, it felt good to be able to be stirring something at the stove.
Mmmm...Mac and Cheese.
Every day I feel God is blessing me more and more with my strength returning. Thank you all for your prayers. I know that it is through God, the doctors’ treatment and your prayers that I have gotten to where I am. You all are in my thoughts and prayers, and I am more grateful than words can say to all of you. Wishing you all a great week.


Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Ministering Angels Short Visit

Though the overall Walstad visit was short, it was great to see them again. Thursday and Friday passed rather quickly – too soon yet again. But in the small amount of time they were here, it was refreshing. If I may use such a comparison, they were like a beam of sunlight stretching across a cloudy sky. There was much laughter and a greater appreciation for family while they were here. Susan was more lucid and didn’t have to nap as much as she did in their last visit, in spite of her recent chemo. So she was able to enjoy their visit even better than before.

Saturday we find Kaylee and Ashlee spending the morning and much of the day with Susan. It started with a delicious breakfast. Susan had eggs and French toast with berries on top. Kaylee had a breakfast burrito, while everybody else had pancakes the size of hubcaps.

While the men enjoyed a day of golf – not me, though; golf is not exactly my bag, baby – it was a great day just to hang at home (except for the occasion when Kaylee ventured out and bought snacks).
The two sisters on the swing. It was a nice day just to sit and chat.

A little after 2:30 Velma returned for a little physical therapy with Susan. I was amazed to hear that Susan was able to lift her bad arm higher than before. The chemo is shrinking the blockages that’s hampering the flow of her lymp fluid, and keeping her from moving her arm properly. In fact, Velma had to stand up to assist in lifting Susan’s arm since it’s able to stretch further than before. Indeed it is the miracle of medicine and prayers.

Velma stands to lift Susan's arm higher. Two days ago the arm couldn't be lifted that
high before.
Not that much later, Deborah came for a visit. The merriment and laughter kicked up several notches. Susan was like her old self – funny, making jokes, doing her Minnesota accent impressions, being like a girl carrying on at a party. Deborah always seems to have that effect on Susan.
Here is Deborah standing next to Susan. Deborah is holding something that represents the Walk that they will do. Deborah's going to have to describe what that badge was for. I forgot to ask. It might have something to do with her being the team captain.

Now that it’s Saturday evening – okay, technically it’s Sunday morning – the house seems quieter now that the Walstads went to stay with Kay and Kari for the night. They have an early flight back to Minnesota, and they will be sorely missed. Maybe one day they’ll want to move down to Texas and continuously bring the joy that they always provide when they come to visit. We all look forward to their return.


Friday, April 11, 2008


Here is a SUPER cute pic of Susie receiving her blood! Look at how much better she LOOKS!!

We arrived Thurs am, Mike, Ashlee, Alex and I (Kaylee) Mike dropped Ashlee & I off at the hospital where Sue was receiving two units of blood and picked up the am crew of my mom and dad! Ashlee and i arrived to find Sue looking so good we couldn't believe it! She even had some eyeshadow on!1 Her coloring was fantastic and she looked like "herself" for lack of a better way to describe it! Sue is pictured here with Marti, our fave blood bank nurse!! Even Marti, unsolicited said Sue looked fantastic, like a whole different person that she saw two weeks ago!! Sue can move herself around, no need for a wheelchair and help getting up, she used her walker to get out of the hospital and into the car, and I did not need to help her into the car!! Ash and I were AMAZED!!

We got home from the blood bank and shortly thereafter, the lovely Velma, Sue's physical therapist came to work Sue out and give her a little massage!! Look how far Sue can lift her arm!!
Then we had the customary Antonio's Flying Pizza Party, as we were all to tired to go out!! It is awesome pizza! Pictured here is Ash, Kari & Sue on the coma couch! I am amazed that they are not in a coma as that couch Ray bought Sue is the MOST COMFORTABLE couch I have ever sat in "not on" it's like a big comfy hug!! Good job Ray!!

After pizza, Grandma Kay made sure Sue's "ted's" were clean as she has done laundry duty, shower duty...she has worked so hard and has been a daily angel for her daughter!! Ted hose are circulation hose that Sue wears daily and my mom diligently cleans!!

Then, Sue asked Ash and I to stay overnight at her house and the guys went to my mom and Kari's so my dad, Mike and Alex could go golfing early in the morning and we were here with her! It was a great evening and we talked talked talked (can you believe that??!!) It is truly a miracle to see her doing so well and recovering daily!! Your prayers are being answered and Sue can really feel them! Keep on praying!! Thank you so much!
Today we lounged around, and Sue got some mail!! Thanks to all and everyone for your cards, gift packages and well wishes! They mean the world to Sue and it really brightens her day (and ours too!) She is holding the contents of a care package sent to her from ou Auntie Helen in Menagha, MN!! Two awesome books, one with notes and pages already marked!! Thanks so much Auntie Helen, you made her DAY!!

Then, Sue's hair stylist and her husband came over to style Sue's wig and then Jared her husband cleaned the aquarium which was so sweet! They are the NICEST couple!! Thanks so much Carol & Jared!! We had a fun visit with them!
Here is Sue and Carol with her newly styled wig! Sue got the reults back from her blood test for her sodium levels, her sodium is normal, but due to limited fluid intake, her potassium is down, so she was put on a potassium supplement and then she has to take her antibiotic once a day til next Tuesday. She was a little down about that as she feels sick when she takes it and she is tired of not being able to drink the amount of fluids she wants! So for this week we have some prayer requests:
1) that Sue's sodium and potassium levels would be great by next Tues and she could go off the antibiotics and drink fluids normally!!
2) The chemo, as it works its way through her body would work it's miracle and take her cancer away!!
Thanks again so much for all you have done to lift Sue up in prayer. I know with certainty our Great God is listening and helping and your prayers make so much difference to Sue's courage and recovery!! We are so thankful and grateful for them!!
XOXO Kaylee in Houston-where it's 80 and sunny!! :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Chemo Number Three

Today Susan was able to receive her third chemo. She was taken in for her blood test at 9:40, and after some poking and siphoning from the harpy of the day (just kidding), she was escorted to the “party room.”

The nurses were happy to see her. They commented how much better she looked compared to the last two visits to the “party room.” She met a French lady named Henrietta, French accent and all, receiving her chemo. The two of them conversed. Overall, it seemed, according to Susan, a more upbeat visit than usual.

At some point, Dr. Nguyen came by and paid Susan a visit. He was more cheery than normal. Though her hemoglobin was down a little, her platelets were at 108 (pretty amazing when you consider that in the beginning of all of this the level was at 16), and her white blood cells were good, too. She still needs a blood transfusion tomorrow, but he was very pleased with her results. He said that from the very beginning he told her that he’d be straightforward with her and not sugar coat anything. But today he was “Pleasantly surprised” by her blood count. He attributes her success to her positive attitude. Susan attributes her attitude to her family and friends.

Keep it up. We know it’s working.


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My Thoughts on the Swing

Hello, everyone!

Not much news to report today. I had my blood work taken. Hopefully we’ll hear from Dr. Shree tomorrow. We’ll post more once we hear from him. Keep praying for normal sodium levels so that I can go off the antibiotic and drink more.

Tomorrow at 9:30 I go in for my blood check, and hopefully chemo therapy session number 3 in the “party room”.

I had my second shower and I feel doubly clean. I sat on the patio swing for the very first time in what seemed so long. The last time I was on it was moments before I had to go to the hospital emergency room in early March. Sadly it was also my favorite haunt for smoking, and I had my worst craving yet while on it. But I am staying strong and not smoking again.

Here I am sitting on my swing. See? No cigarette in my hand. Nothing under my hat, either.

We’ll have a lot more updates tomorrow. I’m looking forward to the Walstads family arrival on Thursday. Love and blessing to y’all.


Monday, April 7, 2008

Sue's Good News from Doug....

I got a news flash update for you,THE DIAPER( Kaylee's nickname for Sue) HAS SHOWERED!!!!!!!We got Sue into the shower, and was she happy. I rigged up a dining table chair next to the tub, Sue sat on it swung her legs in the tub and stood up for the great shower Mom assisted her, but she did it mostly by herself !! Hooooray!!!. So that is the best news of the day as Sue said"I feel almost human again". Take care and talk at you later. Dad

(Sorry no shower picture...)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Susan Says....

Hello, everybody – I can hardly believe that it is already the end of the first week of April. March is such a blur to me. I spent time on the blog today getting caught up on everybody’s comments. And again I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for everyone’s love, prayers, and concerns. It overwhelms me so. Also, thank you for all the beautiful cards and letters that were sent. They really brightened up my day.

Speaking of receiving great things in the mail, I can’t believe that I was remissed for not sending a huge thank you to my Sis Kaylee for the great package of wigs, scarves, and hats. Kaylee you are the best. I love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Here I'm donning one of the wigs Kaylee bought for me. Next to me are the other gifts she gave me - hats, scarves, etc. Thank you, Kaylee!
Me and my wig.
Me with wig and hat!
The week ahead holds Monday physical therapy. Tuesday some blood testing that hopefully will show my sodium at A-Okay levels, and then I’ll be able to get off the antibiotic and finally get off the no-fluid restrictions. But we will see. Wednesday I hope to be in the "party room" having my third chemo session. So keep your prayers coming so that my blood levels will be so high that it will blow Dr. Nguyen away.

I send prayers to each and every one of you.
All my love

Doug's Update!

I, Like alot of you check this blog to see updates and tonight I thought I'd share my dad's end of the day emai with you! Please keep Susan in your prayers!

Not much news here, all is quiet on the western front. We are going to watch a movie that Sue wanted to see, we had a flying pizza night as Mom and the Kook came over so that was fun.Sue is doing great, I finaly got her out on the front patio to sit with me for a while it was so nice,we gabbed and had a nice time. she can walk out there all by herself and in by herself, "piece of cake" as Sue says. So our little diaper is doing the very best she can to beat the beast within her.We can not forget the struggle ahead even as Sue improves she still needs every bit of strength and love and support we can muster for her which includes doubling our prayers from everyone.

Hope your weekend is going well!

XOXO Kaylee

Thursday, April 3, 2008

On Cloud 9

Last night was the first night Susan had with the couch. The following morning she reported having slept really well on it. Indeed the chair has rightfully earned the name the Coma Couch, and thus it will be named so. Not only is the couch astoundingly comfy, it’s much easier to rise from when Susan needs to. In fact, when she had to make her nocturnal visits to el bano at the wee hours of the night, she did so with absolutely no assistance from either Doug or me. Three times in the night – which included rising from the sofa on her own, doing her business, and returning to the sofa, then situating herself, and falling back to sleep without hailing her father or her husband for help. THAT is a huge triumph for somebody who hasn’t had that type of independence for quite some time.

After lunch Susan had the urge to visit the front patio. Doug and I went ahead of her while she carefully attempted the feat. You don’t need me to tell you what happened next. You can guess it. She stepped out there on her own. Well, Doug did hold onto her arm, but that was more for reassurance and not so much for support. Then she tried returning to the living room from the patio on her much weaker foot. No problem, she did it. She came back out and went back inside. As she demonstrated, her legs are becoming stronger. The little leg exercises she learned from the therapist and Susan’s own recipe for stamina that she practices daily is giving her strength.

Susan and me on the patio. She seems awfully proud of herself. I know I am - proud of her, that is.
We couldn't resist a congratulatory kiss.
Velma , the therapist arrived today. She was impressed with Susan’s new variation of a technique that Velma showed her a couple of days ago. Susan was originally taught how to move her legs in a marching fashion while sitting down. Well, Susan had to up it with an adaptation of it: She marched around the house – from living room, down the hall, to the kitchen and back. Velma was pleased.

Since Susan is standing up longer, Velma gave her additional exercises to work on her legs. At the end, she massaged Susan’s “tick hand” and arm and scheduled for another visit for tomorrow at 1 p.m.

Here we have Susan and Velma. The Therapist is massaging Susan's troubled arm. In no time Susan should get full use of her right arm.
As I was prepping dinner, I answered a knock at the door and a delivery person was there with what looked like a bouquet for Susan. A large balloon was attached to it that said “Thinking of You.” It was a bouquet of fresh fruit cut into shape of flowers – pineapples, grapes, melons, strawberries, and chocolate covered apple slices.

Here is how the gift looked before it was unwrapped, balloon and all. Hey, it's blocking my view of the TV!

A closer view of the bouqet of flower-shaped fruits.
The lovely gift was from Susan’s long-time friend Deb Haas. In case you’re not familiar what Deb is doing for Susan, Deb and Kari Wells are planning to do the Breast Cancer 3-Day walk, which benefits the Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund in Dallas on November 7th (if I have the date right). They formed the Captain Susan’s Pirates team. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the walk is a 60 mile journey, and it’s no easy task for anybody to take. Susan is blessed with such friends to do this for her.

Okay, here's another photo of Susan having unwrapped the gift from Deb. She can't wait to dig into the orangutan food.

Here's a more subdued Susan posing with the bouquet and balloon.

If there was ever a time to feel blessed during these trying times, we do. We have great families, great friends, and great doctors working together, praying together, and doing things that I thought I’d never see happen. Thank you for all the blessings. May it return to you a thousand fold.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Happy Wednesday!

A quick rundown of what happened on Tuesday that made her and everybody at home proud:

What may seem small to most of us who do it on a daily basis without thinking, but for Susan who hasn’t been able to do it for over a month, it became a great accomplishment. She made her own lunch. That’s right! She walked right into the kitchen, warmed up leftover Chinese food, and prepped a bowl of what she calls orangutan food consisting of raw vegetables and fruits. If you really think about what all is involved in making lunch, you’ll realize all the effort that it requires. Walking is involved. Lifting and arranging the food from the refrigerator, opening containers, spooning them into plates and bowls, and popping them in the microwave oven can be a challenge when only one arm functions normally, and your legs are not always certain of one step to the next. Plus, you have to walk your achievements to the table to truly earn your prize. And Susan did that.

Here we have Susan just about to sit down and enjoy the spoils of her victory.

Today’s Update:

Susan had to visit two doctors today: Dr. Shree and Dr. Nguyen. Typical visit, you think? I don’t think so, and I’ll tell you why. Susan, unlike her previous visits since she left the hospital, did not enter either doctors’ offices in a wheelchair. She walked the distance from the car. She visited each office with only a walker to assist her.
Susan and Kay WALKING to the elevators to meet with her doctors.
Susan walks from one office and ventures to the second one. Where's the wheelchair! Oh, wait...that's right. Susan doesn't need it anymore.

Susan is shown here signing in. What makes this picture signifcant is that Susan is standing at the receptionist window filling out the check-in form when in the past she had to reach up from her wheelchair to reach for the clipboard. Not anymore.
This is what Dr. Shree had to say:

He said that all her numbers are normal. In fact he’s adding 500 fluid ounces to her fluid intake, adding to her 1000. What does this mean? She can drink more liquids. What she was doing was eating ice chips and only very small sips of herbal tea, Gatorade, and water. Now she can have significantly more. The good thing is that she won’t be so thirsty all the time.

He’s also cutting back on her antibiotics. She only needs to have one per day instead of the regimental two. Which is great, since the dosages she’s been taking makes her feel yucky. If her sodium levels are normal again next week as they were today, then he will take her off the antibiotics altogether.

Here's Dr. Shree (I know I'm seriously misspelling his name; but geez, have you seen the length and spelling of his real name??? Cut me some slack, Doc)
Now, as far as Dr. Nguyen is concerned, this is what he had to say:

He said her blood count is where he guessed they’d be. Good, bad? Neither, actually. He had hoped it would be higher, but the numbers continue to climb, and they are higher than what they were from last count. Nonetheless, he was very pleased that she able to walk to his office.

He’s scheduled her to return next Wednesday for another blood test. If they’re good then she can have her third chemo. I believe they will be. Keep the prayers coming.

After the examination Dr. Nguyen paraded Susan to the “party room” so that everybody there could see her walking and standing for her office visit instead of using a wheelchair.
The last thing he requested was the address to Susan's blog. So, if any of you guys want to say anything to him, I'm sure he'll be reading this. A Shout out to Dr. Nguyen! Woo-Woo! Great job, Doctor. Thank you for saving my wife's life.
Okay, now for a smaller bit of news. This afternoon, the new couch with the recliner ends arrived this afternoon, even though they gave us a window between 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. they managed to make the delivery right after lunch.

As soon as the movers installed the pieces, Susan sat on it. It didn’t take her long before she fell asleep on it. She loved it. I felt very pleased that it was everything I hoped it would be for her. One, it’s comfortable. Two, she can lift herself out of it easily – much easier than the previous couch. And three, she has a little more independence to get out of the couch, go to the kitchen, bathroom, wherever she wants to go without asking for that much assistance.

Here we are, just before the coma occurred.
Thank you everybody for your prayers.