Saturday afternoon, Kaylee, Kari, Ashlee, and I went to Star Furniture. I decided to use my bonus check to buy a new couch, with Susan’s comfort in mind. At first I thought maybe a new recliner, since my other one, the “coma chair” was beyond resuscitation . But then I thought a recliner couch would be even better, especially for Susan. Why should one person enjoy complete lethargy when two in a coma is better than one?
Saturday afternoon, Kaylee, Kari, Ashlee, and I went to Star Furniture. I decided to use my bonus check to buy a new couch, with Susan’s comfort in mind. At first I thought maybe a new recliner, since my other one, the “coma chair” was beyond resuscitation . But then I thought a recliner couch would be even better, especially for Susan. Why should one person enjoy complete lethargy when two in a coma is better than one?
The sales lady was nice, but a little pushy. She really wanted us to buy a more expensive leather one which wasn’t as tranquilizing as the second one we saw. The tan couch with double recliner ends was what I decided with the sage-like advice from Kaylee, Kari, and Ashlee guiding me to the correct decision.
It is perfect for Susan: comfortable with pillow arm rests. The leg rests lift with a touch of a button. It should be arriving on Wednesday. I’ll be taking the day off to wait for its arrival, while Susan visits two doctors that day. Doctor Shree and Doctor Nguyen. We’re hoping that the following week, Susan will be ready for her third chemo. So keep the prayers coming for Susan to have a good and healthy blood count to receive the next treatment.

That evening, Mike had a very considerate and thoughtful idea. He was telling us about the Apple T.V., which I never heard of. I’m still a little vague about what it does and its full potential, but in essence, it’s a device that works with our internet, and with it we can download movies, music, play our IPods, display our photographs, etc., etc. on our television. It sounded very cool. So that evening he bought it for Susan. Awesome! We were anticipating it to work last night, but our television is old technology; therefore we need a new TV. But no worries; we have a tax refund coming up in a couple of weeks; we’ll buy a new one and get the Apple T.V. to work. Thanks, Mike; it’s going to be great fun for all once we have it up and running on a proper medium - a medium that's flat, wide, and plasma in nature.
Sadly, after a ten day visit, the Walstads returned to Minnesota. We had a lot of fun with them, and they lifted Susan’s spirits like no other. Kaylee constantly ministered to Susan, while the rest of the family did their own thing to make each day they were here therapeutic and fulfilling. Even folks like Doug, Kay, Kari, and me felt an uplift with the Walstads here. An old saying goes that “you encounter more angels on a winding path than from a straight one”; and I’m inclined to believe that after these ten days passed - a little too quickly if you ask me.
A quick Update:
During the Walstad visit I was amazed to see Susan progress so well. She’s moved around more than she has before. When the Walstads first came down, there were moments when Susan needed to rest more; but later on during the course of ten days, she was able to keep up more with the visits and stay awake much of the time ( the chemo and the antibiotics still make her a little tired, but that’s chump change compared to the other times when she’s awake and carrying on with the rest of the family).
This afternoon we find Susan walking into the kitchen and getting her own snacks and iced drinks. It’s an amazing accomplishment for her - for all of us for that matter.
She’s even able to stand up longer than before, which is a huge feat.
We always find her saying: “every day I’m getting stronger and stronger.” And those aren’t just words. Everyday there’s evidence of that happening. We couldn't be prouder of her
Keep up your prayers! We can see how well they work.
You both continue to amaze me! Susie I'm so glad that you are gaining strength on a daily basis and that your chemo went better than expected this time. Ray you are such an amazing husband and partner kudos to you and congrats on your bonus! You'll love the reclining sofa - I know we love ours. It's so great too that the Walstad's came to visit. Have a great day and we'll keep the prayer chains going. Love you, G.
GREAT JOB on the blog!! I love reading your entries!! We are home safe and sound and it is SNOWING...UGGG after 80 in Housto and grass & flowers this is hard to take!! I can hardly wait fo rthe pics of you and Sue and Sue on the "coma couch"!! It is going to be awesome! Thanks for all the fun and letting us "mix up" you rlife for 10 days!! We had a great time and we'll all be praying for Sue! Keep showing us her daily daily victories!!
Sue- stay strong and positive ans keep your daily goals in front of you! There are alot of people who LOVE and care about you and are praying!! You will BEAT this!!
XOXOXO from Snowy MN-Mike, Kaylee, Ash & Alex
Fabulous job on this blog!!!
I can hardly wait to sit in the "coma sofa" --- countdown to Wednesday.
What a way to go back...snow and cold!!! After 80 degree weather, who wants to come back to that stuff. We are really going to miss seeing you, Mike and the kids. It was so great having you all here and spending time together. We will be taking care of Sue and hopefully, next time you are here she will be able to do a lot more stuff!!!
Thanks for you love, kindness and generosity!!
I think I may come visit just to snuggle up with you two on that fabulous new couch, sound good??!!
So glad to hear of your progress!
Love you,
SSSSSSwwwwwweeeeeeetttttttttt Sofa Ray! What a thoughtful gift. Sure looks comfortable! Good idea. Sue, you must be feeling stronger if you are up washing your own cup! I would be avoiding that if I were able. Yeap.... it is snowing here! Big beautiful snow globe outside my window. Poor Walstad's! This makes coming home even more hard. Take care you two! Can't wait to see a photo of you both relaxing in the new sofa.
With much love,
Lisa & Donovan
Recliner sofas rule! We bought one second hand a couple of months ago and we love it!
Sue needs to pick a day so I can come over!
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