Woo-Hoo! Sue has had her 1st chemo and it is done. She had 3 different meds prior to receiving it so as her Dr told us, she wouldn't even know she had chemo! It is supposed to help significantly with nausea. She will get an injection tomorrow to help keep her white blood cell count up as the chemo attacks the bone marrow and hurts the production, if it affects her red cells she will get a transfusion of those. So, we wait and see how she feels tonight and tomorrow. Please pray her body will be able to handle the chemo and she won't have horrible side effects.
She was doing great this am. She ate her breakfast and we got her all cleaned up, she had some victories today: she sat up in bed, then she walked to the chair and sat in it and with the help of Sue's nurses assistant Connie, she walked to the shower and got herself cleaned up and resh bedding and fresh hospital gown so when it was time for chemo she was doing great.
Chemo took about 2 1/2 hours and she is still feeling good.
I have a few pix i will download of her victories today and i want to thank each and every one of you for the comments, emails and phone calls. Sue and all of us cannot even convey in words how much your prayers and care and concern mean to Sue foremost, but to our entire family. Thank 
Sue's milestone sitting up and getting around!!
you seems inadequate, but it's what I have to give!
I spoke to Sue's oncologist this am, he gave me all the info on her cancer, treatment and prognosis:
The inflammatory breast cancer she has is an extremely aggressive cancer that needs to be treated equally as aggressively in order to stop its destructive march within Sue. She has cancer in her right breast, right lymph node, the lymph nodes in her chest and left node under her arm. She also has cancer in her breast bones. They need to do aggressive chemo right now to stop its growth, shrink it and get rid of it. Surgery right now is a question mark according to the dr, Sue has too many cancerous areas to subject her body to surgery before trying to treat this with chemo. It responds just as dramatically to chemo, so we are hoping for great news once her 8 chemo sessions are done. She will have them 2 weeks apart. Then all the dr's/and specialists will meet to discuss how to go from there.
We know the Lord help to wipe this out of Sue. She is looking better and feeling better. She is eating and enjoying movies and music! I spent the night at the hospital last night and Ray will be here tonight and Sat night. My dad is on his way down here right now, he should arrive by Sat evening/Sun am sometime, so Sue is looking forward to having her dad come and see her.
Sue & Kaylee super excited about Sue getting out of bed and into to the chair!!!
Thanks again for you rlove and prayers, Sue said when she started to worry, she would close her eyes and be quiet and feel everyone of your prayers wash over her and comfort her. Have a wonderful friday. XOXOXOX Kaylee
Also, for those of you who have asked where Sue is at:
Memorial Hermann Hospital
Memorial City
921 Gessner Road
Houston, TX 77024
She is on the 8th floor-oncology Room 815
Please call first if you'd like to visit! Thanks so much again!
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