Later in the day she tried to do likewise from the chaisse lounge. It didn't go as she planned, but she was able to do it with a little assistance. Soon, maybe in a day or two, she'll be able to do it by herself.
On Sunday afternoon, Kay discovered a small irritation on Susan. Kay made an appointment with Dr. Nguyen's office to have Susan looked at on Monday afternoon. It turned out to be a minor tear in the skin. A little topical cream was needed. It wasn't serious.
While there, Susan had her blood platelets looked at to see how it had progressed since last Friday. They were still low. But her white blood cells was progressing really well. Last Friday, they were at .01. Today they were at .91. The ideal level for her next chemo would have to be 1 or 1.5. She's real close. Although her red blood cells and platelets were low, Dr. Nguyen believed that once the white cells rise, the hemoglobin and platelets will catch up. But he has doubts whether her blood count will be ready by Friday for the next chemo. He was hoping to shoot for Good Friday, but he said that even if her chemo took place the following Friday, she was still doing well - most chemo treatments are performed every three weeks.
He prescibed a shot to help boost her white blood cells. He even wrote up a prescription for two medicines to help her with the nauseousness she started experiencing Sunday.
Aside from all of that, she's doing well and the doctor seemed real pleased with Susan's growing strength, spirit and positive attitude.
I am so proud of your daily victories! Step by step day by day brings you closer to your goal!! We are praying for you like crazy!! And we can all hardly wait to give you a big hug!!
You just keep getting better and better! Thanks for the great blog entries and for keeping everyone up on Sue's progress and what is going with her day to day. You are wonderful! Thanks so much! I feel closer to her and you, reading the daily news and seeing the pics! I was disapponted "spa Martinez" is booked solid while I am Houston!! :) See you in a few days!
So nice to hear you are getting stronger. Ray, great job taking care of Sue!
The Saba's
Ray & Sue,
Thanks so much for keeping us updated pics and all. The "spa Martinez" sounds awesome to me. Way to go Ray. You are setting the bar awefully high. Thanks for being so present for Sue in all you do to comfort your wife Ray. What an example for the rest of us to follow. We are all continuing to pray for Sue's healing and restoration of her body. We hope your blood levels are where they are supposed to be so you can receive your chemo on Good Friday Sue. There are so many people that care about you and that are praying for you. He hears all of our prayers and has a perfect plan and purpose for your life. We trust Him for this and know He has your best interest in His heart. Have a wonderful time with Mike, Kaylee, and family this Easter. What a great day we celebrate-His Resurection from the dead. We will be thinking of all you people and your special time together as we will all love you Sue be at Catherine and Howie's for Easter with our family and the Dettloff's. The Dettloff's will just be getting back from Africa so it will be interesting to talk to them about their trip. We love you Sue and Ray and you continue to be in our prayers and thoughts. Thanks again for keeping us updated with your progress. You are loved and we care so much. Have a good rest of the week.
Alright Sue!!! You have conquered the chair, and the chaise is next in line. WOOHOO! : )
Ain't no chaise gonna keep a sista down!
I am so happy that you will have your WHOLE family in Houston to celebrate Easter, and enjoy each other's company, what a gift!
I hope you have a wonderful time with everyone. I will be thinking about and keeping your journey towards treatment #2 in my prayers!
Love you!
Woohoo SUSAN!
*Rocky Theme Music Playing*
Totally made my day to see those pics of you triumphant! BTW... My friend Chris (the Anime director) has been spreading the news on the prayer chain... Prayers for you are being said at the church of his favorite waitress from IHOP (Edith? Ethel?)... He's known her for years and she told him she'd get everyone prayin'!
Also... Deb's Bodacious Bash (8th Anniversary!!) is this Friday... all proceeds from my birthday songs are going to "Captain Susan's Pirates" for the 3-Day Breast Cancer Walk...
Much Love,
Deb (Taunter)
Sue, First day of spring greetings to you and Ray. I have friends at Saint Therese praying for your healing.Happy to hear Kaylee and her family will be with you all for Easter holiday.May God's Blessings be with you. Auntie Karen
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