Now that she's home, she's moving more than she did in the hospital. She walks the distance to the bathroom. She stands up on her own without supervision to wash her face and brush her teeth. Granted, our home is not as large a the average home, but it's a perpetual triathlon when you consider her condition. And she's mastering it each day.
But she couldn't do it alone. Her mom and dad have been caretaking her while I'm at work. They help her out of the chaise lounge and prepare her meals and snacks.
Susan's agenda was to go outside and sit on the swing today. She worked the nerve to take a step outdoors. Just as she was about to move further on the patio, it started to rain. Guess she'll have to reserve that plan for Friday. Stupid Houston weather.
Tomorrow she's visiting Dr. Nguyen, her oncologist. They plan to run a few blood tests on her and discuss the results, and determine if Good Friday is still set for her next chemo day. I'm sure it will proceed as planned. As I've been saying in previous posts, Susan is doing remarkably well. She's sleeping less during the day (and when she has to nap, it's mainly because of the antibiotics and the chemo). She spends more time either walking, standing, and less time warming the cusions of the chaise lounge. Let's face it, she was released from the hospital earlier than planned, and before my eyes each morning and every evening when I return from work, she's becoming more and more like the Susan I know. Indeed I am proud of her. I can't wait to hear what her parents have to say what she did while I was gone.
AWESOME!! Thanks for blogging Ray! Sue's progress bacl to walking and doing things for herself is truly an answer to prayer!! Thanks for supporting her! Thanks mom and dad for all you do! Keep on getting stronger Sue, I will be there in 5 days to see your progress and give you a BIG HUGE HUG!! XOXO Kaylee & Family!
I'm assuming you'll get this message.
Just want you to know I am thinking of you... and of course including you in all of my thoughts, meditations and prayers! YOU CAN DOOOO IT!!
Consider me a cheerleader... sans the miniskirt and pom-poms... I never could pull of a mini-skirt.
LONNIE (aka The Assistant to the Toaster Crumb Fairy)
Sure glad to hear you are getting stronger. I bet getting your hair washed felt good. Hope there is no rain there today so you can get outside and swing and enjoy the sun. I pray your Dr. appt. goes well and that your bloodwork is good so you can go ahead with your chemo next Fri. We have been having sunny warm weather so our snow is disappearing. Spring is just around the corner thank goodness cuz the winter seemed so long. I am so thankful for this blog so we can keep up on your progress. I love the pics too. There are so many people praying for you Sue just from the people we've told and the prayer chains we are a part of. Your determination and great attitude make a huge difference in you getting better. Keep it up Sue. Have a good day. You are loved and we care so much.
TENACIOUS SUE!!! You go girl. Keep on giving this disease the a$$ kicking it deserves. : )
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