I received great news this morning! Susan called me and told me that Dr. Shree said there was no reason why she couldn't go home. I was like, "are you kidding?" She wasn't.
There was much excitement. Susan was out of her gown and dressed for the road. She was ready to go home. Now if only the doctor would hurry up and sign her release.

Goodbye bed. Goodbye I.V. Goodbye bedpan and those gosh darn uncomfortable foot massage contraptions. I'm outta here!

Waiting to get inside the car and on the road.

She's home! The t.v. remote is by her side like a faithful companion. Hey, isn't that my side of the couch that you're sitting on?
I can't hardly believe that Susan's recovery is so substantial that the doctor's felt that she could go home. They stated that by being home she should do even better. Amazing. Sure it took hours for the formal "okay," but it was worth the wait.
It's so good to have my beautiful wife home with me. The house was so empty without her. The cats don't know what to make of her return. But I do. I'm over the moon. She has a couple of appointments next week with a couple of doctors, but there will be no hospital stays.
Thank you, God, for bringing her back home where she belongs.
I was so happy I cried when mom and dad called to tell me youwere going home! Your first goal achieved and it didn't take that long!! You probably felt like it took forever, but you are AMAZING and SUPER DUPER sstrong! I am so proud of you Sue!! We are praying for your continued successes as you triumph over this cancer! I bet it feels great to finally be HOME! Ray- Awesome job on the blog! You always choke me up with your love for your wife and beautiful sentiments! Thank you for your love and care for her and for doing this blog so those of us who are not near can feel connected! SUE IS HOME!!! WOO-HOO!
Oh my gosh Susan, I'm ecstatic that you're home! Ruben and I were planning on coming by the hospital and visiting again this week, but obviously I'd much rather you be at home! Way to fight this, Susan! You are simply amazing and I can't wait for the opportunity to visit with you again. And to Raymond, thank you for keeping us informed on this blog - I love hearing the great news and updates! Again Susan, keep up the fight! You are such an inspiration and, as Raymond said, you are a hero and you will beat this!!!
Smiles and blessings,
You have just made my day. What awesome news. What an answer to our prayers. I know you will do much better and so will Ray having you home in your own comfortable bed. Ray, thanks so much for keeping us posted and for taking such good care of Sue. You are awesome. We are so happy for your good news and continue to pray for healing for your body Sue. God is in control of everything and He is hearing our prayers. Have a great day tomorrow and keep up the fight and continue getting stronger each day. Your smile is beautiful to see. You truly are a strong lady. I can hardly wait to hear the good news of tomorrow. You are loved and so cared for.
We were all amazed yesterday that the doctor was going to release you. YOU ARE HOME!!! I am so happy that you are with your husband and three kitties!!! NO MORE HOSPITAL!!
You continue to amaze me each day with your strength and courage. You are doing GREAT!!!
Love yuo,
Susie - You go girl!!!! You are amazing and I wish I was there to give you a great big hug. Keep up the good work - your smile is worth a thousand words. I'm so happy you're home and can fight from the comfort there. We'll keep the prayers and well wishes coming your way - you have many friends and family praying for you. XOXOXO Love ya, G.
Yeah! Sue!!!!! What wonderful news. I bet if feels so good to be home. Boy, what a beatiful enry by Ray.... he loves you so much and it really shows. I am so happy you are surrounded by so much love! Your entire family, loving husband, Ray's family, friends & a great boss to boot. God is good. We are praying for you. I love your cats!.... aren't they just the best? I am glad to be able to check in on you.... thanks to the blog!
With love,
Lisa Saba
Sue, What great news!!There is no place like home!I am so...happy for you and Ray!You have shown great strength and a strong will! Keep it up! Love and prayers, Kristi and Sierra
HOORAY!!! What an answer to prayer. Let the REAL HEALING begin!!!
Love KT
I wanted to send you a note to let you know I am thinking of you at this tough time in your life. I didn't find out the news about your health until today. Monetta sent me the link to your blog. I am very saddened by your news. You are in my thougts and prayers and I will continue to check on your progess. I think about you all the time and remember what great times we had back in our cubes at EOP.
Stay strong !
Love always,
Jenny Walsh
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