Sunday afternoon, Kaylee says her goodbyes; but she promises Susan that she will return soon. We can't wait to see her again. When Kaylee does return, Susan will be home and walking about.
Monday morning, two therapist arrive and "assist" Susan to walk from her bedroom and halfway down the hall and back! Hooray!
Will you look at the size of that salad! We are so glad that she still has her appetite.
Okay, now for the milestones:
Dr. Shree reported that Susan's sodium is at 130 which is great! He even said that her vitals are steady. Later on, Dr. Nguyen came in and was very happy with her progress (keep the prayers coming). He told Susan that "this is what I promised you; you would not get sick." She does get tired, but he said that it was common and natural.
Dr. Nguyen also said that the only thing that's really keeping her here is her ability to get up, walk, and go to the restroom. He may even have her catheter removed in a day or two. Guess what? The catheter is gone. They removed it today. She's able to do her business on her own.
Her "tick hand" is smaller. When asked when it will be completely normal, the dr.'s think with the next chemo; but we think sooner than that. Susan's doing so well in healing herself - thanks to all the well-wishes and prayers.
That afternoon the therapists returned and THIS TIME Susan walked all the way down the hall and back.
At this rate, Susan may be home in 2 to 3 days.
I want to thank everybody for their prayers. Obviously they are working. But let's not forget Susan's will and tenacity to get better, too. She really wants to go home. There's no place more nourishing than the love of home and family.
You are awesome and I am so HAPPY to see the pics and hear the news!!! You are awesome for doing this and I am so thankful! Great job Susie on getting the biz done without the catheter and for walking!! You will soon realize your goal of going home!! :) Keep up the great effort, it will pay off! You are AMAZING to me daily! I love you and we all are praying fervently for your return home and ultimately defeating cancer! XOXOXO Kaylee
SUE, RAY, AND AND FAMILY, What a delight to see the pics and getting the GOOD NEWS that Sue is doing so well and got rid of part of the extended plumbing. You're looking so much stronger and we know that The LOrd is answering all the prayers of recovery and healing for you, Sue. With God's Help, you'll make your cancer HISTORY. We continue to uplift you in our daily prayers and all your family too. Love and God's Peace, Aunt Helen, Amber and family P. S. Amber and Hannah will take me to the airport in the a. m. and I'll be flying home via a stopover in Denver.
Way to go Sue. What great news and good pics. At the rate you are going you will be home soon and how great that will be. Keep up the great attitude and keep on keeping on. Glad you are getting stronger each day. I can hardly wait to hear of your accomplishments tomorrow. The ladies tonite at bible study are continuing to pray for your strength and healing. Will check on you tomorrow Sue. Keep the smile on your face.
I'm so happy that Sue is making progress every day, maybe even every hour. Ray, we've only met once (when you got married) but I admire the courage and love that you are providing for Susie (sorry but it's hard for me to give up names that I called people when I was young - I still call Doug Sonny and I probably always will). Your comments on her being your hero brought tears to my eyes and I pray several times every day for all of you to come thru this. It was so great to see pictures of all of you and being updated on this "journey" is so unselfish. I can't tell you how much I appreciate being able to hear and see what's going on way up here in Minnesota. My love and prayers to all of you. Love G (cousin Gina).
WOOHOO!!! WOW, what you have accomplished in just a few short days, amazing! I think you deserve a new "rapper style" nickname like Tenacious Sue or something. Has a nice ring to it, no? All our love and prayers!
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