Ashlee, Sue, Mom and Dad at the Medical Center after Sue's chemo!! Ray had gone to work!
Happy Wednesday and thanks for all your comments checking to see how everything went!
Sue's chemo went super, and super fast! With her permanent chemo port, they were able to do blood draws and push the chemo through so it took about 2 hrs total at the oncologist's office!
It was really a neat set up, they have nice cushy leather recliners and then they get the chemo as they relax. My mom, dad, Ray and Ashlee & I all went so were joking about Sue always having an "entourage"! I asked her if she wanted to wear my BIG sunglasses and act like a celeb!!
This laptop won't let me download pics, but I have them and will download when I have access to a different computer! I just wanted to let everyone know, so far so good.
Her white blood cell count was up, her platelets were up, her spirits were high, her red blood cells tomorrow she has to have a shot to boost her white cells after chemo, as the chemo brings the house down so to speak, and she will have a blood transfusion at the hospital. So after chemo today, we got her a few cool home health supplies which made doing a few things alot easier for her, and then headed to the hospital for a pre-check in and lab work so her blood will be all ready tomorrow and we can "express" in. Tomorrow is really the toughest day for her as she gets hot "flushes" and feels really tired. I was pretty excited that she is getting blood tomorrow as that really boosts her energy level and makes her feel better. She has had low blood counts since she has been home and it makes you feel tired when you expend any energy. So hopefully that may offset a few side effects! We'll see!
Sue is pretty much my new hero, someone to look up to, someone who is making the very best of a very bad situation and looking to the positive constantly. She is always worried about someone else. She has been getting up off the couch, yesterday by herself, walking to the door and walking back. She is gaining strength daily and perservering in the face of this dreadful disease. She is really amazing and using the power of positive thinking and an "I can do it" attitude and accomplishing more and more everyday!
We are awaiting the arrival of some new headscarves and wigs, which I cannot wait to try on her!! My mom and dad continue their daily "ministrations" and help her amazingly. I told her today, can you believe all the people praying and caring and supporting YOU?? She feels very very blessed by all of you! Thanks to everyone, we read your comments to her daily and they really help to keep her spirits lifted up! Ray has been a saint to allow all the Frangos' and Walstad's to invade his daily life and turn it upside down!! He has had a great loving attitude, for which I know helps Sue to keep hers!! My mom and dad have been more positive and more amazing than I have ever seen them. My mom went to her church to work at 4pm and took Ashlee with her to help out!! She loves introducing Ashlee to her friends! Ashlee said Grandma knows EVERYONE!!
Everyone has pulled together and it is a true blesing to all involved!
Look for pics in a few hours!!! Thanks again!
XOXO Kaylee
So thankful you were able to get your chemo today. That is an answer to our prayers. We continue to pray for little to no side affects and pray you will keep getting stronger. The smile on your face in the midst of all this is amazing. You are a hero teaching all of us how to respond to a difficult situation that might come our way. Keep up your great attitude Sue and continue to think positive thoughts as you go through your journey. Hats off to all of you for being there to cheer Sue on. You are loved and prayed for often Sue. Hoping your days aren't too rough after the chemo. Love the pics too. Thanks for the updates.
So happy to hear that you got your chemo treatment today. I have been praying for you and Raymond and thinking about ya'll everyday. I think that you look absoloutely amazing with your head shaved. It's your beautiful smile that lights up your face. Keep on smiling and may you be uplifted by knowing that so many people are praying for you. Let me know if you or your family need anything. We sure missed you at Easter. Two less heads to crack eggs on. LOL.
Love you guys.
Patty, Hector, Lorena, and Laurita
Yeah! You were able to take the chemo today! You look like you have "the eye of the tiger" heading in. Oh, Sue....... we hope you are feeling well soon as I am sure the treatments take a toll. We will be praying for you as always. We will be unable to check in on your blog as we head up north (can you believe it) for Spring break with the kids. We have or winter gear packed and will return Sunday night. I can't wait to hear how well you did when I check back in on Monday!
God Bless you,
Lisa & boys
Ps. Hello Ray! Kaylle Mike Ash Al Kay Dou & Koo Koo we miss you all!
Two down, six to go, woohoo!
Hello?! Dr. Nyugen is cute, no?
Thanks for the continued updates. I am so pleased to know that chemo took place as planned, and hope that today's visit is a success! Thinking about you a ton...
Love you,
I'm glad to be able to see your little victories on this blog as you go toe to toe against the most hidious villian of all time. I'm cheering for ya cause I know you have the will and spirit to win. Not to mention a fabulous entorage and husband. I think "you look marvelous darling" with your head shaved but you can call me biased on that(I'll have to try the swamee thing).Know that we are thinking and praying for you, Ray/Boogie, and your family.We really missed you all at Easter, it just wasn't the same without ya'll. (You guys owe me one - because of your absence my head became a confetti egg magnet). Take care and I look forward to seeing you soon,
Susie, so glad you received your chemo and that they will do blood work to lessen the side effects. It's awesome the spirit that you have and I'm so proud of how you're tackling this "C" thing. You are truly an inspiration to all of us. I agree with KT - the doc is cute for sure and you and Sonny aren't any slouches either :) Love ya kiddo - G.
Dear Sue and Your Dedicated and Loving Entourage, So happy to hear that your chemo went well and the infusion went so quickly. I know the HOT FLASHES and feel for you as the skin gets almost a purple tint along with the heat and redness. Mine was caused by meds infused to prevent the side effects. You're AN AMAZING YOUNG WOMAN, tolerating what you're going through and staying so upbeat and keeping that BIG AND READY SMILE AND the sparkle in your eyes is proof positive that you're going to LICK THE BIG C. I LOVE YOU and we'll all keep praying that the chemo will eradicate the UNINVITED GUESTS who've invaded your body. May God's healing, love and grace be with you and yours, Auntie Helen . P.S. Auntie Betty called from near Lincoln this forenoon and they should be home by now.
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