The "TICK hand" and arm-swelling down
Thanks to our wonderful Lord!! Thanks for your prayers!! Thanks for your love, Sue said she can truly feel your prayers wash over her. We are so thankful for family & friends.
Susan said she is almost feeling normal today. The only thing from keeping her from feeling totally normal is her catheter and hot flashes from chemo! She looks good and we are all so thankful that she is not feeling nauseaus. We are praying that will be te case throughout her next 7 treatments. She will have another treatment in 2 weeks, and my family & I will be here so Ashlee & I will take her to chemo and sit with her and help her after.
My dad arrived from MN today after driving 21 hrs straight to see Susan and have our whole family united around her. That was really great for Sue.
With Ray by her side, Sue slept 6 hours straight last night! YEAH! She really needed the rest. Ray stayed overnight with her. Kari, Ray, my mom and I had a Antonio's Flying Pizza party in her room! The swelling is going down in her her hand and arm, which I have dubbed her horribly swelled up hand "the tick hand"!!! Which has made us all laugh! She could not move her fingers, hand or arm when i arrived and I have been making her give me "high fives" with her tick hand when she has had her victories!! She can now lift it higher and the tick is getting smaller!
Sue is getting her white blood cell booster shot today. She got an antibiotic and she is tired, but doing good.
Sue got up this am, walked to her sink and brushed her teeth and then had her physical therapy where she walked down the hall quite aways!!! So she said her big goal is:
To reclaim her normal activities ; like driving her car, walking freely, not being attached to things, being home with Ray, going to her everyday she has smaller goals which are bringing her closer to her big goal of going home and back to her normal life. Please pray the Lord will help her regain the strength she needs to get home!
Tomorrow, the Martinez's are coming to visit Sue at the hospital. It appears Sue will not being going home until probably at the end of next week. Thankfully, she has been doing better and better as the days have gone by. I am so thankful and so relieved. Thank you all once again for your love, prayers and comments. You canno tknow what they mean to Sue and to all of us. Please know if we can pray for any of you we will do so. Just let us know.
1 comment:
So glad you're doing so well! Btw, I love what Carol did with your hair. Know that although I'm not there with you physically, I am most definitely with you in spirit.
Love you!
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