On this beautiful day in Houston, Sue decided to get outside!! She walked around in the sun and the fresh air and sun on her face felt GREAT!
Dad and Sue outside
YEAH!! You made it!
Raymond & Janie came to visit Sue this am, bearing gifts!! Beautiful head scarves and fab barbeque from the Easter dinner we all sadly missed! We all had a great visit this am and Sue has been up and about all day! Her spirits are great and she was feeling some energy! We had a nice day visiting and cleaning! My mom had to work this afternoon so Ashlee went with my mom to her work at the church in the daycare and had a ball! Mike & Al golfed in the gorgeous weather!! RAy came home to find an excited wife who had felt the sun! Tomoorow is Sue's DR appt with her kidney specialist who is watching her sodium levels carefully and then Wed at 9am is her 2nd chemo!! Please keep SUe in your prayers for continued energy and blood levels that are closer to the normal range!! Have a great night!
Cruisin' in the sun - you GO SUSAN!!!!!
Was thinking about you a lot today... 7 years ago you came down to Houston for your first visit... At the time, we had no idea you'd be living down here, huh? :)
I'm hoping I get a chance to see you some time soon... And I'm also very envious of your new look! I'm thinking I may need to be a copycat... ;) Only problem is that you look chic in scarves and hats while I look like a bowling ball with a lid... oh well...
Keep strong, lady... I'm cheering (and praying) for you... So are Mom & Dad... Unceasing prayers comin' from the Shirley and Harold, dontcha know! :)
Much Love,
Deb (Taunter)
Well, geez, I'm not going to be as eloguent as Miss Deb...(can you feel the competitiveness kickin' up?) I just want to say that I think about you every day. I am saying my prayers and putting good health and fast healing out to the Universe for you.
So happy you got to get outside. (Lord knows you only have a short while to enjoy it here in Houston.)
Would love to see you as soon as you feel up for it.
MUCHO de PRAYEROS for your surgery tomorrow!
Sue, What a great picture of you and your Dad!!!!! I am so glad you were able to enjoy some sun. Alittle vit D sould some good. We will be praying for your check up and chemo tomorrow. Sounds like everyone is enjoying some family time. Nice to see Ray's parents too! Love to you and all,
Lisa & boys
Alright Sue - I bet that Houston sunshine felt good!! Thinking about you today, and praying for your body's ability to take chemo tomorrow!!!
Love you,
No wonder you wanted to reschedule with me... you were prolly pooped from all that action. It worked out well for me since the photo shoot I was on ran longer than expected. I didn't call back last night because it was pretty late.
I'm glad you are getting up and around, you look great!
Dear Sue,Ray and THE SUNSHINE CREW, It was so good to see the pics of Sue looking so great with HER TRADEMARK SMILE and gaining strength with each day. I enjoy Kaylee and Rays' progress reports as both of you have such a flair for expressive writing with a good sense of humor. I love the couch and the color. It's such a nice large size. Tiny little Kari almost got lost in the cushions!!!! We're all keeping the prayers going and won't break the prayer circle. Love, Prayers and God's peace to you all, Aunt Helen A. Betty sends her love and greetings. Harvey was in such a hurry on Sunday to get home to watch his TV show so we only viewed part of the Blog. But they'll be back.
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