Grandpa Doug was a little tired after all his late night wake up calls and early mornings...
Greetings to Y'All!!
The day was absolutely MN summer perfect, except this is Houston spring...and we heard the day we return we are supposed to get 5" of snow in balmy beautiful MN!! :( Oh well...a girl can dream!
Sue did A M A Z I N G today!! Her entourage, consisting of my mom, dad and I, again accompanied her to get her white blood cell booster shot at Dr Nyguyen's office, my mother watched as she will now be administering the shot going forward to skip the Dr visit! Then on to the hospital for Sue's two red blood cell transfusions which took 5 hours to receive. The nurse was wonderful and Sue rested and relaxed and actually, as hoped and prayed for, missed the whole "hot flushes" part of Day 2 of chemo!!! WOOO-HOOO!! She also was hungry and ate well all day! We were so thankful. She did not feel well this am, but dragged herself to the appt's and then was alot better with a beautiful pink flush to her cheeks when all was said and done and hungry! We were all happy! Thanks so much for your prayers! They are working! We are all so thankful for her great attitude and her resolve to kick the cancer in the bootie!! Have a great night and please keep praying. We prayed today for all of you and for the the Lord to bless all the blood donors who donated their blood to help others as it has helped Sue so much!! Take care and thanks again!
XOXO Kaylee
*Rocky Theme Music*
Wooohooo!! Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about! Y'know, I'm layin' down my bets on Susan kickin' da C in da beee-hind!
Hey Susan... remember when you and Ray met and admitted you were attracted to each other and I got all hyper and I CALLED it - I called you moving to Texas and you and Ray gettin' married etc etc... Well I'm CALLING that you're gonna kick this into remission! I see y'all years from now - makin' tamales, hosting kickin' Halloween parties, smashin' confetti eggs in each others' hair, cuddlin' the cat menagerie, kissin' that hubby of yours...!! Swami Deb has spoken! :)
Oodles of love,
Deb (Taunter)
UPDATE: Captain Susan's Pirates
Well we've scheduled a fund-raiser for our team and another local team (Pink Princesses) at jUMPs for Saturday, June 7th... Festivities start at 3PM and we're looking at raffles, food, etc... I'll give you more information as it becomes available... We're also seeing if David D's band (The Bag End Misfits - obscure 80's music) would do a benefit concert some night in July...
I'm going to spend some time this weekend making a logo for our team... I'll let you know when it's done! :)
If y'all have any ideas for other activites/items we can do/sell for raising funds, let me know... we're brainstorming constantly! I can be reached at ...
Susan... anything you want to see for the team? Any suggestions/preferences for the logo? Your input is greatly appreciated!! :)
Love you!!
Deb (Taunter)
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