YEAH!! A family-free date night for Sue & Ray!!

Look how happy & good Sue looks!! Ray's not too bad himself!! He is "almost" smiling!

Sat. am, Sue sitting at her table with Mike, Alex & Grandma!!

Happy Sue, she wanted a Starbucks iced honey latte (ashlee's fave) and Mike & Alex got it for her on Fri evening!!

Sue was doing great Friday! Her side effects at a bare minimum and she never felt sick or "hot flushy"! SO thank the Good Lord for the blood transfusions! They really helped her!
Her appetite has been good for certain things, now it is "orangatan food, strawberries, raspberries, grapes, cherry tomatoes and ice berg lettuce!! But it is so good for her!! We told her to eat what tastes good and what her body wants, and she has been eating VERY healthy organic food ( minus the nacho cheese doritos!!)
Friday, Ray had some good news, he had received a bonus at work, that was a surprise! We were all so happy and proud of him!! SO we decided as a family, to leave Sue and Ray to celebrate and have a night for themselves! So we all went out to dinner, and Ray picked up Sue's fave Chinese and brought it home for a "mini-date night"!! SHe was THRILLED!!
SUe has been gaining strength and able to get up off the couch by herself sometimes and she can walk around pretty good now, she uses her walker "just in case". SO we are
hopeful, with the start of physical therapy and help for her right side, she may be able to be independent soon. She really really is tired of having to always ask for help, even though none of us mind!!
Saturday (today) we arrived to find Sue sitting at the table, (see pic) which is new, shw always got too tired to do that so she is really doing well! Ashlee, Mike and ALex went and got us all shipley's donuts and kolaches and she sat and ate her orangatan food and kolache and a donut!! We are all so proud of her, and praying she keeps regaining her strength so she can do more things for herself!
Thanks for visiting! We leave tomorrow after our 10 fun days, the time has gone fast and we are all sad to leave! Especially when we heard there might be 5" snow arriving just in time for us to come home....!! Take care and please keep praying for Sue and leaving your beautiful comments, they really do make a BIG difference to Susan!!
XOXO Kaylee
Ray & Sue,
Congrats on your bonus Ray. Hope you enjoyed your date nite with your favorite food. We continue to pray for no side affects and that you will keep getting stronger. We are so thankful for this blog site and the pics. We've been watching the weather there and by the looks of the pics looks like it has been warm and sunny there. It will be so nice to have spring and summer here. Keep that beautiful smile on your face Sue as you travel this road. You are an inspiration to us. Remember you are not alone. There are so many people who care, love you, and are praying for you often during the day. Have a good weekend.
Sue and family, Thankful to hear how things are going and seeing the pictures.Thankful that you tolerated this round of chemo and all that followed!You look good...I hope you both enjoyed your ''date night'', that's important for both of you too!Happy your family can be there..You have shown amazing strength,keep it up!! love and prayers, Kristi and Sierra
Dear Sue & Ray, your smile and the sparkle in your eyes are back-Sue you are looking good! Keep up the good work. Glad you had a date night to kick back and celebrate both of your accomplishments in the last week.Praying that God will keep blessing you both. Love,Aunt Karen & Uncle Mike
Way to go Ray! It's always fun to receive unexpected $! I am happy to hear you are feeling well Sue!! I am sure it will be hard for Kaylee, Mike Ash & Al to leave! We will need to keep them in our prayers too....
Lots of Love,
Lisa & Boys
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