Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I am taking Over....!!

Okay, I can't let this blog sit untouched another day!! I love reading this and getting the updates, so here goes!!

Sue had a lymphedema clinic appointment on Monday, however Fri day she developed a rash on her "tick" arm, so when she went in on Monday they said they couldn't wra or treat her arm til her Dr looked at it to discern if it was an infection (which is not uncommon with lymphedema) and is treated by a 10 day course of antibiotics or if it was something else. So my mom and dad took Sue in to see Dr Nguyen and waited for awhile to see him. He looked at it and said it was either an infection or the cancer has spread to that area, so he decided to biopsy it, which was a little painful for Sue. We are currently waiting for results on that and don't expect them quickly! Even though we all want to know right away! Dr Nguyen put Sue ont he antibiotic right away and she is taking it just in case itis an infection-pray that it is!! Secondarily, Sue had her chemo early as well that day while she was there. Then when she was done with that, my dad took her to get a chest xray, because her voice has been hoarse and they just want to make certain her chest cavity isn't refilling back up. SO we are also waiting on the results of that. On a SUPER DUPER good note, Sue's blood levels were the best they have ever been so that is going well! So Sue has been doing good, her breathing and getting around are good, just this extra stuff!

Sue has been eating ok, and resting and nothing major to report!! I just wanted to ask you if you could really continue to pray that the Lord would take this cancer away, keep Sue strong, keep her levels great and for this chemo to work and that her chest cavity would not refill and that she just has an infection which clears up quickly! Thanks for all your prayers and support! I am sorry nothing has been on here on a regular basis, but Ray got busy and I am here in MN, so I will start reporting again from MN!!! :)

We hope you are all doing great! My dad is flying home next Wed to see his sister who is very ill with cancer and in home hospice. He will be home for 2 weeks and I am sure Sue and Ray will really miss him! Take care and please keep praying for Sue!! Thanks to all of Sue's co-workers for checking the blog and for caring, she really misses work and talks about everyone often!



Koo-Koo said...

What a nice dinner we had last night from Cafe Express. I love that place.

I pray that your voice improves each day and that the rash was caused by an infection.

Take care of yourself!!

Love you,


Anonymous said...

YAY, an update! Thanks for posting Kaylee! Praying that the rash is an infection, and that the chemo treatment is successful.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Please know that we continue to keep Susan, Raymond and each of their families in our prayers.
God's blessings to Susan,

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kaylee for stepping in to blog for everyone, and many many thanks to you all for your prayers
and caring for Sue. Sue needs your continued support of love and especially your prayers. Gods blessings to you all.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Kaylee, we were getting worried here at work. Susan I miss you, as does everyone else. We are praying for you (yes me too, I figure it can't hurt)and reading your blog daily. I love to hear all the good news. I am ready for some more good news on that rash.

Lots of Love,


Anonymous said...

Greetings to Sue from an "IBC Sister" in CA. Kaylee was on our IBC list and I replied to her as another Stage IV Survivor. I also put her in touch with my sister who lives practically right next door to Kaylee in MN - she knows all about being a family member to someone fighting IBC in another state. I hope that your tests come out OKAY and know that I got rid of my liver mets and am considered "stable", so there is HOPE with new Treatments. It does take some courage and sometimes several sets of chemo, but here I am 2.5 yrs later and living WELL, back to working fulltime!

Sharing my HOPE and COURAGE...
Laura in Livermore :-)

Anonymous said...

Lotza love, prayers and good wishes that you've received GOOD REPORTS ON your biopsy and chest exray. So happy to hear that your blood levels are hanging TUFF and staying on a good level. The fund raiser sounded like A BLAST and fun for all. I keep uplifting you in my prayers and also your Auntie Barb and of course your whole family and family of friends too. My life has been so hectic and my energy levels leave much to be desired but I try to keep ahead of things. LOVE AND GOD'S PEACE AND HEALING BE WITH YOU, SUE. AUNTIE HELEN LOVE YOU BUNCHES !!! It's such a blessing to have Phoebe and Ervin here for the short summer.