Anyway, I digress as usual. After their excursion to the Palace of Save Money, Live Better, they stopped at Sonic and got snacks. This time, Susan treated herself to a giant slushie, which might I remind you kind readers that because she was taken off fluid restrictions she was able to drink the whole gosh darn thing without worries. She did…the lucky stiff.
Tim arrived today to draw blood…or at least that’s what I’m assuming he was here to do. If not, then Tim and I need talk. Too much seems to carry on at home while I labor mercilessly away. At any rate, we’ll discuss that later, what I wanted to mention was his utter shock when he saw Susan’s Tick Hand. He was flabbergasted to see how much it’s shrunk since his last visit. I noticed since chemo #4 that there has been a consistent improvement to her hand – her arm as a whole. But it’s a good feeling to hear people who haven’t seen Susan for a week or even days apart since their last visits to take a sudden note of her improving condition upon their return.
Doug got a little creative in the kitchen. He made jambalaya. It was very tasty (though I’ve learned to despise that word thanks to that spiky white-haired chubby putz, Guy Fieri, on the Food Network, who says everything he shoves in his gullet is “tasty”. Man, I am digressing tonight).
Here's a picture of Doug presenting his Jambalaya for all to see. I'm a little wary since he's standing much too close to my bowl that I have to hold it away from him.
Please keep your prayers coming for Susan’s continuous improvement. It really does show and it pleases me to no end to see her hand shrinking, the way she is able to lift herself out of chairs with the near same ease as before, and the way she can walk to the back patio and back with no assistance. Thanks to all and good night!
The tick hand looks better since I saw it on Monday night. What an improvement.
The flowers look fab and so does the jambalaya. Too bad my allergies were so bad otherwise I would have been there for the meal.
I pray for your continued daily victories and that the cancer will be gone from your body!!
Love you --
O M G ! !
It looks ALOT smaller since I saw it last!! Yeah, we are praying for all the lymphedema to just GO AWAY! Have a great day and thanks for blogging Ray!
So glad to hear the lymphedema is on its way out, and that you were able to do some planting!
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