After lunch Susan had the urge to visit the front patio. Doug and I went ahead of her while she carefully attempted the feat. You don’t need me to tell you what happened next. You can guess it. She stepped out there on her own. Well, Doug did hold onto her arm, but that was more for reassurance and not so much for support. Then she tried returning to the living room from the patio on her much weaker foot. No problem, she did it. She came back out and went back inside. As she demonstrated, her legs are becoming stronger. The little leg exercises she learned from the therapist and Susan’s own recipe for stamina that she practices daily is giving her strength.
Velma , the therapist arrived today. She was impressed with Susan’s new variation of a technique that Velma showed her a couple of days ago. Susan was originally taught how to move her legs in a marching fashion while sitting down. Well, Susan had to up it with an adaptation of it: She marched around the house – from living room, down the hall, to the kitchen and back. Velma was pleased.
Since Susan is standing up longer, Velma gave her additional exercises to work on her legs. At the end, she massaged Susan’s “tick hand” and arm and scheduled for another visit for tomorrow at 1 p.m.
Here we have Susan and Velma. The Therapist is massaging Susan's troubled arm. In no time Susan should get full use of her right arm.
Since Susan is standing up longer, Velma gave her additional exercises to work on her legs. At the end, she massaged Susan’s “tick hand” and arm and scheduled for another visit for tomorrow at 1 p.m.
As I was prepping dinner, I answered a knock at the door and a delivery person was there with what looked like a bouquet for Susan. A large balloon was attached to it that said “Thinking of You.” It was a bouquet of fresh fruit cut into shape of flowers – pineapples, grapes, melons, strawberries, and chocolate covered apple slices.
Here is how the gift looked before it was unwrapped, balloon and all. Hey, it's blocking my view of the TV!
The lovely gift was from Susan’s long-time friend Deb Haas. In case you’re not familiar what Deb is doing for Susan, Deb and Kari Wells are planning to do the Breast Cancer 3-Day walk, which benefits the Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund in Dallas on November 7th (if I have the date right). They formed the Captain Susan’s Pirates team. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the walk is a 60 mile journey, and it’s no easy task for anybody to take. Susan is blessed with such friends to do this for her.
Okay, here's another photo of Susan having unwrapped the gift from Deb. She can't wait to dig into the orangutan food.
If there was ever a time to feel blessed during these trying times, we do. We have great families, great friends, and great doctors working together, praying together, and doing things that I thought I’d never see happen. Thank you for all the blessings. May it return to you a thousand fold.
If there was ever a time to feel blessed during these trying times, we do. We have great families, great friends, and great doctors working together, praying together, and doing things that I thought I’d never see happen. Thank you for all the blessings. May it return to you a thousand fold.
Sue & Ray,
Looks like another great day! We Love to see you both and appreciate the updates. Thanks for all of that Ray. You are both on our mind daily . Sue, you are doing great.
Much love to both of you!
The Saba's
Ray & Sue:
Great job on the blog Ray, you are quite a FAb articulator!! I am so happy about about Sue's accomplishments and how they propel her to dream even bigger! Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE, as she is showing us! Super sweet of Deb! Thanks Deb!! Keep on keepin' on Sue, I can hardly wait to see what you bring on for tomorrow! XOXO Kaylee
What a great day you had filled with victories. Way to go Sue!! The fruit bouquet sure looked yummy. I am glad you were able to get outside in the sunshine. That must of felt so good. Hope we find that you had another good nite on the couch with good sleep. We look forward to hearing about tomorrow. Great job on the blog Ray. Thanks so much and the pics were great too. Continuing to pray and think of you several times a day. We love you Sue and Ray. You are close to our hearts.
Love & prayers,
Thank you for the pictures - love the one of Ravenous Susan! And I'm glad the "bouquet" looks as good as I wanted it to... You'll have to let me know how it tastes! :)
Susan... you are my hero... and I know you hate it when I get all mushy on you but give me a sec to just say that you are INCREDIBLE!!! You know I could go on and on and on... suffice to say that your courage and your commitment leave me in awe. I love you, lady! :)
With love and continuing prayers,
Deb (Taunter)
Well, leave it to you Sue. Taking the exercises Velma gives you and adding your own twist! You meet each challenge this situation has presented you with such courage and tenacity...the kind of chica books get written about to be sure.
Thanks for keeping up with the blog Ray! As you can tell, there are lots of us enjoying it every day!!
Love you both,
Lookin' good kid! Did you eat that fruit basket in one bite?? Kind of looks like you have "The Eye of the Tiger" look going on there. I pray that things keep getting better for you and Ray. Keep up the good work!
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