Saturday we find Kaylee and Ashlee spending the morning and much of the day with Susan. It started with a delicious breakfast. Susan had eggs and French toast with berries on top. Kaylee had a breakfast burrito, while everybody else had pancakes the size of hubcaps.
While the men enjoyed a day of golf – not me, though; golf is not exactly my bag, baby – it was a great day just to hang at home (except for the occasion when Kaylee ventured out and bought snacks).
A little after 2:30 Velma returned for a little physical therapy with Susan. I was amazed to hear that Susan was able to lift her bad arm higher than before. The chemo is shrinking the blockages that’s hampering the flow of her lymp fluid, and keeping her from moving her arm properly. In fact, Velma had to stand up to assist in lifting Susan’s arm since it’s able to stretch further than before. Indeed it is the miracle of medicine and prayers.
high before.
Not that much later, Deborah came for a visit. The merriment and laughter kicked up several notches. Susan was like her old self – funny, making jokes, doing her Minnesota accent impressions, being like a girl carrying on at a party. Deborah always seems to have that effect on Susan.
Here is Deborah standing next to Susan. Deborah is holding something that represents the Walk that they will do. Deborah's going to have to describe what that badge was for. I forgot to ask. It might have something to do with her being the team captain.
Now that it’s Saturday evening – okay, technically it’s Sunday morning – the house seems quieter now that the Walstads went to stay with Kay and Kari for the night. They have an early flight back to Minnesota, and they will be sorely missed. Maybe one day they’ll want to move down to Texas and continuously bring the joy that they always provide when they come to visit. We all look forward to their return.
Sounds like you had a great weekend! Thanks for the update Ray. Yes, the Walstad's know how to liven this up.... especially "The Little Greek" as my Dad calls her. I am happy you all were able to enjoy some family time.
Much Love,
The Saba's
What are you purposely trying to make me cry?? You are an angel and thanks for allowing once again to take up all the space in your refrigerator, mess up your counters and life in general! We had such a great time visiting with YOU and Sue and my family! It was so great to see Sue coming back to herself and see the light at the end of the tunnel! I have missed her laugh and it was great to laugh with her! She is really doing FANTASTIC! Keep on blogging and you know we'll pop up in TX when you least expect it!! We love you and thanks again!
XOXO Kaylee back in COLD MN! :(
Ray & Sue,
Thanks for the update Ray. Sounds like you had a whirlwind time during the Walstad's visit. The pics sure show Sue's great improvement over these last weeks. Sue, it sounds like you are able to do more and more each day and that you are getting back to yourself. We are so happy for that and will continue to pray for improvement and that the chemo gets rid of that cancer quickly. Glad you had some fun and laughs and that that will continue. The Lord has you in the palm of His hand and He cares so much about you. I try to visualize this as I go through each day and it helps me get a handle on His great love for me. He is in control of all of our situations and wants the very best for us. I pray that as He brings you through this cancer journey, you will be able to look back and see His faithfulness to you and that your will be strengthened in your faith. Have a good day and a great week getting stronger and know that we love you and care very much for you Sue.
Deb, Carol & Jared-
You are all angels and you really made Sue's day (and the rest of ours) by visiting and helping! The aquarium looks great Jared and Carol- the wig styling is fab and the eye patch on the styrofoam head even better! We enjoyed the MN humor and you really made Sue feel great-Deb you are still hilarious and so caring and we all appreciate your friendship and spearheading the 3 day walk and all your efforts! You are all great friends and I really appreciate getting to know you better and visit with you as I know it meant the world to my sister! Take care & enjoy your wonderful weather!!
XOXO Kaylee
Susan! Thanks for letting me rub your head... My hand has been tingling ever since and I think that means I'm gonna get really lucky at blackjack or jacks... or... something... ;)
Gotta tell you, Susan... it was so GREAT to visit with you again... I've missed you so much and it felt like old times just sittin' around talking and laughin'... I was completely serious about bringing over a movie some evening... How 'bout another viewing of "Drop Dead Gorgeous"? Or wait... I bet you haven't seen "Juno"... I could bring that by when it hits the stores...
Ray... You are DA MAN for purchasing the now infamous Coma couch... I'm gonna be stopping into Star Furniture one of these days and picking up one for myself... Also, the thingie I was wearing is the badge that everyone on the team is given... KooKoo should have hers by now and Kaylee, Ashlee and Susan will be getting theirs soon... it's a way to track training and fund-raising efforts as well as an excellent visual reminder to myself and others about the 3-Day walk...
Kaylee, Ashlee, Kay & KooKoo... it was GREAT seeing you all again... It's so wonderful to see how all of you have rallied around Susan... Your love and presence are a source of strength and comfort to her, I'm sure... Thank you for letting us all share your time with Susan in the pictures and this blog!
Much Love to all of you -
Deb (Taunter)
It's so great to see Sue looking sooooo much stronger and beginning to to get her sparkle and sense of humor back. We know that God is hearing and answering our prayers when we see how far Sue has progressed physically and mentally since this " C " attacked her body. JESUS LOVES YOU AND SO DO I. God's peace and healing to you, Auntie Helen Love & greetings to your family too.
Susan, I am reading about your progress all the time and missing you so much. You are doing just like I knew that you would, with your positive attitude. Everyone loves you and misses you. There is not a day that goes by that I don't get a question on your progress -- and I am so happy to say that you are doing great and getting stronger all the time. Your plants are still happy and alive. A twig broke off the bonsai (about 1 inch) and someone stuck it in the dirt -- I swear it is growing! You may have 2 bonsai's when ou get back! Ray, Kaylee and Dad, thanks for the updates. You make me smile each time I read. You are all excellent writers. It runs in the family! All of my love to you Susan and gratitude to your family for their love and support. And I am praying...
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