You never will get where you’re going
If you never get up on your feet
Come on, there’s a good tail wind blowing
A fast walking man is hard to beat
Put one foot in front of the other
And soon you’ll be walking cross the floor
Put one foot in front of the other
And soon you’ll be walking out the door
She has – and is still doing – just that. Let me give you today’s examples.
She visited Dr. Nguyen. Again today, as he was last week, he was pleased with her blood test results. He was genuinely smiling today, which he rarely does unless Susan says something really funny off the cuff. This time, the Great Houston Healer was free style grinning. For the record and as future reference for you folks, normal blood platelets level is 140. She was at 139 today. To put it in perspective, when Susan was in ICU last month, her first platelet reading was at .01. See how far she’s come? Her red blood cell count is still low but higher than it was the last time around; the same goes for the white blood cells. Dr. Nguyen said that the numbers were where he expected them to be because of the chemo. We are hopeful that chemo therapy will be a go next Wednesday. I think so at this rate.
Susan spent much of the day outside in the nice 75 degree weather. Doug did a fine job in the garden not too long ago, and it was a perfect time to spend some time there.
It was also a time of discovery for her. She discovered that she can lie down in our bed, lift herself up, and stand up from it. This for those of you who didn’t know this, she couldn’t do that before for nearly two months. She can’t sleep in our bed still, because the “tick arm” is too uncomfortable for her to lie completely on her back. Hence the reason for the chaise lounge when she first arrived from the hospital, and why I bought the coma couch. But she’s getting there, and in no time she’ll be back where she belongs.
This morning I left a cooking magazine on the dryer and Doug and Susan found it. They found a recipe and decided to make a very good ham and potato casserole from it. Susan’s been aching to cook again. So this was the first opportunity to actually do it. She peeled the potatoes, defrosted the peas, put the cheese on, and oversaw the whole operation.
As a reward for her labors, she and Doug went to Marble Slab Creamery and bought ice cream. This was her first actual foray into a public place – not including a doctor’s office that is.
One foot in front of the other….That’s exactly what she’s doing. First across the floor, and soon she’ll be going out the door. There’s a good tail wind blowing, and she’s doing just fine thanks to Dr.Nguyen, Dr. Shree, and all the love and prayers from her family and friends.
What a great day you had. So happy for the good numbers with your blood. Ray you are quite the creative writer. Thanks so much for the blog and the pics. You have come a long way Sue. I thank God for answered prayer and we will keep them coming. Sounds like and looks like you and your dad had fun in the kitchen. Keep getting better Sue. The pic of you and your dad with the smiles on your faces is awesome. Can hardly wait to see what tomorrow brings. Have a great day and keep enjoying the sun. Much love and our continued prayers,
Sue & Dad!!
What an AWESOME day and what fantastic accomplishments!! Dad, thanks for all you've done to help get Sue "out the door" as Ray so aptly put it! ( You are right on with the analogy-I remember that show!) I am so proud of your accomplishments Sue and so grateful for your Dr's help and expertise! Keep the surprises coming on!! There is NOTHING you can't do!! :) Have a great Thursday! XOXO Kaylee, Mike, Ash and Alex!
Thanks Ray for doing such a great job on the blog. Susie and Sonny - a picture certainly is worth a thousand words! Looks like you guys are having a ball. I'm so thankful that your bloodwork is improving all the time - you've come a long way baby! Have a great day today too! Love and prayers.
Hadn't had a chance to view the blog for a few days... Man, Susan - you are off and (practically) running! Got a little teary-eyed reading about how good things are going... Just goes to show my Mom was always right about the power of prayer! :)
I still have those books for you... Thinking I may have to stop in one of these days... not for long, just to drop by, say "howdy!" and give you those books I mentioned...
Keep it up, woman!
Deb (Taunter)
Okay, this blog has officially become my first lunchtime destination AHEAD OF! I'm so happy to hear things went well at the doc, and chemo is looking good for next week. Keep that lovely smile on your face!
Love you,
Susan, you look absolutely beautiful and glowing in the picture with your Dad. Oh, and the casserole looks good too! I'm just thrilled to hear that your platelet count is up and that you're doing so well. I will continue to pray and will wait to hear the good news of your blood levels being where they need to be for next week's visit. Raymond, thank you so much for giving us the updates on a daily basis - and keeping smiles on our faces with all of the good news.
God bless you both,
Love the pic of you and your dad, TAIL WIND BLOWING GOOD!! Keep it up keep a going Sue !!Love, Aunt Karen &Uncle MIKE
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