Was she tired, one might ask? Of course she was not. Which it is a testimonial how bit by bit she’s regaining more of her original self. Her and Carol (her hair stylist who you may remember from an earlier blog entries who shaved Susan’s head and styled her wig) spent some LHOTP time together – for those who are not in the know (which I wasn’t, but could have been better off not knowing)is Little House on the Prairie on the tube.
After LHOTP time, it was nap time. For dinner, Doug made delicious BBQ.
This morning she rode around again. Doug and Susan dropped off Kay at her apartment. They went to Chachos - a Mexican fast food restaurant – and she had a nice bowl of tortilla soup.
But the biggest news was that she was able to take walk in and out of a shower without the assistance of a chair and a walker. She was very proud of herself.
Later, Tim the guy from the Home Health Care came by to take her blood. Tomorrow she should hear from Dr. Shree about her sodium levels. She really hopes this time everything is where they need to be.
Along the same vein (excuse the pun), she goes in for yet another blood test with Dr. Nguyen for a weekly examination to gauge where she’s at compared to where she was last week. Pray that the test indicates that she is on the right track for her 4th chemo next week.
Doug and Susan complete the evening by buying us dinner from Whataburger.
We can only guess what she’ll do tomorrow. Keep it up, honey. You’re doing so well and I’m proud of you.
You are QUITE witty! I LOVE to read you rblog entries! Thanks for the updates and pics! I LOVE them and I can go to bed feeling connected! I am so proud of Sue I could burst! Thank you for caring for her and helping her to overcome her cancer. XOXO Kaylee
You continue to be able to do more each day and it is so fun to hear about your ventures. I am sure it is nice to be able to get out and take a rode trip and enjoy time with just you and your dad. It sure is nice that he can be there for you. I pray your sodium levels are up and that your blood is continuing to climb and get to where it needs to be for for your chemo next Wed. It seems like 2wks. go by so fast. Your smiles warm my heart Sue. I believe your positive up beat attitude helps with your healing process. Keep it up and enjoy each new day. You are a hero and a real example of how we need to be with what comes our way in life. Keep on keeping on and with all the prayers and love coming your way you will continue to overcome. You are an amazing lady. Have another great day tomorrow.
Love & Prayers,
LHOTP??!! I LOVE that show!! That's so funny. I'm SO glad to hear you've been out and about, and continue to get better.
Love you,
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