What may seem small to most of us who do it on a daily basis without thinking, but for Susan who hasn’t been able to do it for over a month, it became a great accomplishment. She made her own lunch. That’s right! She walked right into the kitchen, warmed up leftover Chinese food, and prepped a bowl of what she calls orangutan food consisting of raw vegetables and fruits. If you really think about what all is involved in making lunch, you’ll realize all the effort that it requires. Walking is involved. Lifting and arranging the food from the refrigerator, opening containers, spooning them into plates and bowls, and popping them in the microwave oven can be a challenge when only one arm functions normally, and your legs are not always certain of one step to the next. Plus, you have to walk your achievements to the table to truly earn your prize. And Susan did that.
Today’s Update:
Susan had to visit two doctors today: Dr. Shree and Dr. Nguyen. Typical visit, you think? I don’t think so, and I’ll tell you why. Susan, unlike her previous visits since she left the hospital, did not enter either doctors’ offices in a wheelchair. She walked the distance from the car. She visited each office with only a walker to assist her.
This is what Dr. Shree had to say:
He said that all her numbers are normal. In fact he’s adding 500 fluid ounces to her fluid intake, adding to her 1000. What does this mean? She can drink more liquids. What she was doing was eating ice chips and only very small sips of herbal tea, Gatorade, and water. Now she can have significantly more. The good thing is that she won’t be so thirsty all the time.
He’s also cutting back on her antibiotics. She only needs to have one per day instead of the regimental two. Which is great, since the dosages she’s been taking makes her feel yucky. If her sodium levels are normal again next week as they were today, then he will take her off the antibiotics altogether.
Now, as far as Dr. Nguyen is concerned, this is what he had to say:
He said her blood count is where he guessed they’d be. Good, bad? Neither, actually. He had hoped it would be higher, but the numbers continue to climb, and they are higher than what they were from last count. Nonetheless, he was very pleased that she able to walk to his office.
He’s scheduled her to return next Wednesday for another blood test. If they’re good then she can have her third chemo. I believe they will be. Keep the prayers coming.
After the examination Dr. Nguyen paraded Susan to the “party room” so that everybody there could see her walking and standing for her office visit instead of using a wheelchair.
The last thing he requested was the address to Susan's blog. So, if any of you guys want to say anything to him, I'm sure he'll be reading this. A Shout out to Dr. Nguyen! Woo-Woo! Great job, Doctor. Thank you for saving my wife's life.
Okay, now for a smaller bit of news. This afternoon, the new couch with the recliner ends arrived this afternoon, even though they gave us a window between 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. they managed to make the delivery right after lunch.
As soon as the movers installed the pieces, Susan sat on it. It didn’t take her long before she fell asleep on it. She loved it. I felt very pleased that it was everything I hoped it would be for her. One, it’s comfortable. Two, she can lift herself out of it easily – much easier than the previous couch. And three, she has a little more independence to get out of the couch, go to the kitchen, bathroom, wherever she wants to go without asking for that much assistance.
Oh it's so great to see you up and around Susie - you are truly an inspiration! Ray, thank you so much for keeping us all updated on Susies progress, we really appreciate it. Dr Nguyen - thank you also for taking such good care of my cousin - keep it coming Doc!
A day filled with BIG victories, not only she did not use the wheelchair, but she got her new couch (thanks again Ray!!) AND she can get onto it and off without assistance!! Whew! It is exactly what we ALL hoped for. Then she made her own lunch and is getting around much better!! A HUGE improvement and I am sure SUE feels much more independent and "normal"!! Sue, I am so proud of your SISU! TOns and tons of people are praying for you, just keep getting better, that is your only job!! "Every day a little stronger"!! I can hardly wait to see what you can do today!! Thanks for the pics and blogging! I wish I could have been there to see all of your accomplishments!
XOXO Kaylee
OOps, forgot my mewssage to Dr. Nguyen,
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! For treating my sister Susan so fabulously and for caring for her. You have made this HARD journey more easy because of YOU CARE. We are praying for you specifically and for your wisdom to know how to proceed to eridicate this unwelcome visitor from her body. We are grateful and thankful for your care!
Dr Shree:
you have also been amazing and caring and we are so thankful and grateful to you, you are also in our family's prayers for wisdom and discernment. Thanks you for all your help while Sue was in the hospital and for all your visits to show your care and concern. You made a big difference and we THANK YOU!
Sue's MN Sister!
I'm so glad you can have more fluids, it must have been really hard not to pound a glass of water when you were feeling thirsty, hats off for getting through that!!!
Kudos to both docs as your job is a difficult one, and you are doing it so well for Sue. Thank you!
Guys, I see a very cozy spot in between you on that coma couch, and it is calling my name. WOW, does that ever look comfy. Glad you are loving it!
Love you,
Excellent update!!! Good for you Sue! It's wonderful to hear you are feeling better & getting stronger. Ray, the couch looks perfect! Happy to hear all the good news!
Lisa & boys
Gotta say... LOVED reading the blog about yesterday... TOTALLY made my morning! :)
Susan... you look phenomenal! And I think you definitely need to keep the head-scarf thing when you've kicked this into remission - quite a fashion trend you've started there! I'm even more tempted to shave my head and follow your lead (although Kari says I'd look like Uncle Fester and Greg Ayres said my head would look like a bullet)...
Ray... A most excellent job on the couch selections - kudos to you! Thanks for being so diligent about keeping up with the blog... it's now my favorite reading! :)
To Dr. Nguyen and Dr. Shree ... Many blessings on you for what you're doing for Susan and for others... You truly are angels!
I'm hoping you're feeling up to a visit soon, Susan... I know Kari (Dude) and I are eager to drop by and see ya!
Much Love,
Deb (Taunter)
It was a day of victories. Things like getting a snack or getting up off the coma couch are HUGE for Susan right now. I am proud of the progress she is making each and every day.
Last night, I had the pleasure of sitting on the coma couch and I did not want to leave. It is weird but all day I have been hearing the coma couch call my name. Excellent choice Ray!!
Drs. Nguyen and Shree:
I am very thankful that Susan has two doctors who are knowledgeable but most of all that she has been put into your caring hands. I am thankful you are on her team. Thank you.
Hi to you all,
Wow what a great day you had yesterday Sue. Glad it was a day of victories. Keep up your great attitude and desire to become more self sufficient. The recliner couch is just perfect for you. Happy it makes it easier for you to get in and out of it. Looks so comfortable I probably would just stay in it and let people wait on me. That gets old though after a while I am sure. Ray thanks so much for the pics and keeping up the blog. It helps us know how to pray specifically and to tell others how to pray for Sue's needs. Glad you could be home when the couch was delivered and enjoy the big day with Sue. Keep that smile on your face. What an example you are to us. Think of you and pray for you often many times a day as do the rest of our family. Take care and know you are so loved. Hope you can get out and enjoy some sunshine today.
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