It's been six months today, since Susie passed away from this Earth to a better more beautiful place called Heaven.
I hope everyone is doing great and enjoying this beautiful holiday season. I decorated Sue's tree we had planted to honor her memory, with a big pine cross with a beautiful red bow and a wreath. I wanted to decorate it like a Christmas tree, but our MN winter this year decided not to co-operate with my original idea, so no ornaments. just the cross and wreath. It is very pretty.
In so many ways it seems like I haven't seen my sister forever and I long to talk to her and see her so badly, yet it seems like yesterday that we had her memorial services...I think all in all we are all doing good, just very sad and lonely.
Sue LOVED CHristmas, I mean really LOVED Christmas, with all the childlike enthusiasm she could possibly muster. Every year we would try to out do each other in finding the best new Christmas cookie...last year I discovered a friends "melting moments" cookie which are AWESOME and gave Sue the recipe, she had to admit they were awesome!! Then she found candy cane cookies and sent me the recipe and they were "good" and we argued back and forth over that! I cried a little this year as I pulled that cookie recipe out in her handwriting, even complet with candy cane stickers she stuck on it...she was so amazing and special. I miss her so many times each and every day.
This blog is really painful to go to for me, at first it was like a comforting friend, that I started to support and communicate about sister, then I had plans of getting it put into book form and giving it to her when she went into remission so she could remember how strong and brave she was and to see how speical she was to so many people who read this daily and left comments and prayed for her....now it is a hollow reminder of the short battle she so valiantly fought against as I work not to remember just the "cancer" piece of her life, but all the much happier and special times we spent together growing up and then as adults. She was my biggest champion, and I hers...there was nothing we couldn't tell one another and I miss that terribly...
I just wanted to come on here tonight to say, I can't believe it has been 6 months, and I miss you Susie, and I am praying for you many times each day and I know one day, we will see each other again and when we do, I am still going to call you "the dipe"!! CHristmas is not the same at all without you, and I want you to know how many many people have contacted me and miss you too....I am so proud of the way you lived your life and cared for so many people and touched so many lives. I am really going to miss the mystery visitors you'd bring to our holiday celebrations. Each with no where to go, but you'd bring them to my house and we would all have such fun.
I love and miss you Susie with all my heart....forever.
May the spirit of Christmas live within each one of you and I wish you a beautiful, blessed Christmas and a healthy, happy and prosperous 2009.
Very beautifully said!!!
Sue did love Christmas and I will miss her so much on this holiday!! She was so special and it is so hard to believe she is gone. I know her spirit lives within me and her memory will never be gone.
Ray & Kaylee,
Your entries were very beautiful and very moving. I am having a hard time typing as tears fill my eyes. Sue meant so much to both of you and I am so sorry you have to live without her near.
With love,
Ps. Thanks to all Sue's friends who supprted her by walking for a cure!
Hi Kaylee and all... I'm finding it very difficult to get into the holiday spirit this year... in fact, I've given it a bit of a "pass" and plan on spending the day just chillin' with some TV and probably some chinese food from Hin's Garden (Susan and I used to go there for lunch)...
It IS difficult to come to this blog, sometimes... but it is also a great source of healing and communion with others who were touched by Susan... THANK YOU for continuing with the updates in the face of your sorrow. Susan lives on in all of us when we share our memories of her... her wisdom, generosity and huge capacity for love and humor continue on in her absence with this blog.
In a related note... I have signed up as a Volunteer for the 3-Day 60 mile Breast Cancer walk in Minneapolis in August. The Team is once again "Captain Susan's Pirates". I will send you details after the holidays and ask that you begin to look around for prospective walkers/volunteers.
My thoughts are with you all this holiday season...
Deb (Taunter)
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