Today, I received an email from Eric Pickett, Sue's former manager and best friend. I LOVE getting emails from Eric as it isn't too often and they are always interesting, well today as I scrolled down to see the attachment...I couldn't believe it, I immediately started crying....tons of Sue's co-workers in a different branch in a different part of the country that my sister hadn't even been to, spent their Sunday walking for a cure in honor of my sister Susan Martinez. I am absolutely humbled and amazed at the amount of people who participated in her honor and amazed. I know Susan wouldn't BELIEVE IT! She would be so AMAZED and so thankful. I am so proud of the company she worked for and represented. Thanks to EVERYONE from the bottom of my heart and the rest of SUSAN'S families hearts!! Thank you for keeping her memory alive and not letting her death due to Inflammatory Breast Cancer be in vain. I am posting the pics here and if you have any more please email them to kayleewalstad@msn.com . YOU GUYS ROCK!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!
I will also be updating this post as more info and pix come in, thanks Mary Manen, Sue's great friend in the TPG office in Houston for getting the pics and stories also!! Following are from two separate emails Mary M sent me this am...the following is from a woman in the Philadelphia TPG office-thanks for writing this!!
Here are a couple more pictures. I don’t have the final numbers yet, but we raised almost $5,000 in Susan’s name this year. We had about 15 people from the Philly office walk on our team, along with almost 30 other family and friends that participated with us. Susan has touched a lot of people.
This Mary Manen sent me from the LA office of Thomas Properties Group-THANK YOU!! We ARE ABSOLUTELY AMAZED BY EVERYONE'S CARE AND KINDNESS! THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING MY SISTER"S MEMORY TO LIVE ON! Here is what the LA office said-
" We, in LA, plan on doing the Revlon walk in May in Susan’s Honor. We’re just getting ready to put out the first announcement. We’ll keep you informed on how it is going!"
Thomas Properties group is an amazing company and you should be proud to work for them, but a company is only as good as the people who fill it's chairs and perform their functions, YOU ALL at TPG are what make it AMAZING!! Thanks for making my families day/month/year with your kindness and generosity!!
A side note, between Captain Susan's Pirates, private donations made in Susan's name and the monies earned by the Philly office of TPG almost $20,000. has been donated to the Breast Cancer Research Fund for a Cure via Susan G Komen!!!!!! I just realized this and I am AGAIN, so humbled and thankful! Thank you so much for helping bring good things from Sue's battle with cancer. I pray every day they find a cure. GOd Bless each and every one of you with that which you need most. Also, just so you know, even though I may not have met YOU personally, YOU are in my prayers. Thank you for blessing my sister's memory.
How wonderful you Thomas Properties folks are, and what a great company you work for. I want to thank you for keeping My sweet daughters memory in your
hearts. There are no words to describe my feelings for
all of you. I will simply say thank you from the depths of my heart.
Sues Dad
To everyone at the Philadelphia office:
You truly are amazing people!! I am so touched by all of you!! Thank you for walking in my sister's honor. I know she was with you in spirit.
All of you at Thomas Properties are exceptional people that I know Susan felt blessed to work with.
Thank you for participating and raising money to help find a cure for breast cancer!!
What a cool and impactful thing to do. Thanks so much for taking time for such a great cause. Susan would feel such joy knowing her journey is still impacting lives.
Donovan Saba
a friend of Susans
My HEARTFELT DEEPEST GRADITUDE to EACH member of the Thomas Properties Group, YOU ARE TRULY SPECIAL PEOPLE & IT IS SO VERY CLEAR NOW why my love Susie, LOVED working there! May God bless you for helping to find the cure for especially inflammatory type which we continue to hear of struggles & deaths of young women in their 30's. I'm also moved by your AMAZING GIFT OF SELF GIVEN & I THANK-YOU. Bless you today! love Susie's mom Kay
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