Susan and Ray in January 2008

Beautiful Susan at Pappadeaux restaurant when she could finally go out to dinner with everyone!
Susan's Journey with cancer ended today at 7:50am this morning. Susan was surrounded by Ray, her parents Doug and Kay, Kari, Ray's parents Janie and Raymond Martinez and Ray's sister Jessica and family friend and adopted sister Gloria. I was praying to God she would be able to hang on until I got there at 10am, but sadly I missed saying goodbye to my beloved sister. Our family had Sue's body remain in the room and my parents and Kari and Ray took me to the hospital so I could say goodbye to her and hug and kiss her one more time.
Susan's system began to shutdown due to the excessive tumors and acidic fluid put out by them. Her journey ended quickly in a cardiac arrest. Ray, his mother and I are going to be meeting with the funeral home, church and cemetary tomorrow to set up all the details. We will be posting the funeral details and where to send flowers/memorials should you be interested. Thanks for all your prayers and care and concern. We are also looking for pics you may have of Sue to use in a memorial for her. Please email to either Kaylee : kayleewalstad@msn.com or Ray : dalquiel@hotmail.com . Thanks again for keeping Sue in your prayers. This has been absolutely devastating.
I will miss Susan greatly. Susan had the biggest heart and never thought of herself!! She was always worried about how someone else was feeling.
I have a huge hole in my heart that cannot be replaced by anyone.
Her life journey ended today but I have such great faith that her spirit lives on and we will feel her presence in everything we do!!
Words cannot describe the pain I feel today.
I never let it enter my mind that this is how Susan's journey would end so I guess I'm still in denial. The predominant emotion beyond disbelief is deep sadness for Ray and for Susan's family. I can't believe that I'll never hear her voice again.
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. I don't know what else to say other than to request that you use me however you need to in the coming days. I am at your disposal in whatever capacity I am needed.
Susan... You are and will be missed. I hope you knew that you made a difference in the lives of every person you came in contact with... Your friendship - your wisdom - your love - made me a better person. I'm so thankful to have had you in my life for the time I did.
Feeling bereft,
Deb (Taunter)
I have no words to describe how I feel. I am so thankful to all of you for all the months of prayers and well-wishes you sent in our direction.
The void inside of me will never be filled. She was my wife, my confidant, my life companion, and my beautiful captain. Remove a limb from me, and I would never feel as incomplete as I do now.
Thank you, Susan, for loving me like you did. We had a wonderful seven years together. Wait for me; I'll be with you again someday to continue where we left off.
Ray (husband)
Sue's Family,Our thoughts and prayers are with each of you. Kristi,Aaron and Sierra
May God bless each of you for your care, concern & prayers. Sue so appreciated them and reading all of your uplifting comments. Please hold us up in prayer for strength in the huge, quick loss of our beautiful Sue. She was a fighter & never complained & maintained her trust in Jesus & she's gone until we meet again. With Love,
Kay (Sue's mom)
I'm so thankfull for the great memories we had with Sue. She was so positive and strong even in our young days. Her great spitits & big heart will be missed.
John Eiden
mpls mn
I know you are out there watching. I will miss you for the rest of my life. You were the only one who would listen to my endless "rants" about life. Go in peace and I hope to see you again one day.
To Ray and the family. I am so sorry for your loss. I know what Sue meant to me, so it must be horrible for you. Please know my thoughts are with you. If you need anything, just ask.
I'm not good at these sorts of things, but here goes...
I just got home from work and have just now had time to process it.
She IS the most amazing person you could ever meet. No matter what she always had a kind word, a smile and a smart ass remark. No matter how down I was, she could lift my spirits.
This is hard for me,It doesn't even seem real, but I know there are so many others feeling it a thousand times more than little old me. I just wish I could hug and comfort all of you. Ray, Kaylee, Koo-Koo, Mom and Dad... Anything with in my power to give you, is yours.
Sonny, Kay, Kaylee, Kari, Ray and Ray's family - I wish I had words to take your pain away and I wish I could be there to hug and hold you all. May you find peace knowing that she loved all of you so very much. She will live on in spirit and memories always.
Susie, our loss is heavens gain. We will meet again in another time and another place - I know this without a doubt. Find peace in knowing how much you were loved by everyone whose life you touched.
Love to you all,
When there is more than one praying and agreeing on the same thing, God hears...I have been standing in prayer with your family from the beginning and I will remain standing with you. I share your hurt and your pain and I know it is so hard right now and you feel like you will not make it through the next minute but just hold on because I have some "good news" for you. No one really understands why these things happen but just know that through your weakness is when HE is strong so be encouraged. HE tells us to lean on him and not to our own understanding and know that HE is God and no matter what we are going through HE will be there and will carry us all the way so weeping we may endure for a night but joy will soon come in the morning so family stand on HIS words and call them back out to him and watch him prevail because everything he tells us is his promise to us and he never breaks his promises. I know this to be true because I have had to do this so many times. May God continue to bless, protect and comfort all of you. HE has not abandoned you and neither has Susan. Know that HE has and always will have angels watching over you and now a much more special one has joined the watch and you know that she moved right up as the captain!
Though her hair often changed colors and she surrounded herself with goth dolls and cartoon characters, Susan was an old, wise soul.
Her concern for animals, her desire to keep learning, and her joy to be alive was infectious.
Susan's warm and comforting spirit is a reminder that what matters is not what we have or do in life, but who we are.
What an incredible, unique woman!
Susan, you know that every time I look at a pirate (and yes, I know they are real), I will think of you.
Thank you for blessing us all!
henkajSusan your journey on earth has ended, you have gone to heaven on the wings of Angels. I grieve for you my sweet daughter, and my heart is incedibly heavy that it is almost unbearable. But then I think of the sweetest, the most gentle, kind and caring daughter you were and it helps some what to ease the pain. We spent the last few months of your life together and although you were fighting everyday to rid the cancer within you and struggling just to stand up or walk to the bathroom. You would turn to me and say thanks Dad
are you o.k. I love you. So the blessing you gave me Sue just to be with you was incredible. I will
miss you so much, and my heart will have a huge part missing goodbye my little Louie your daddy loved you so.
To all of you that shared this journey with Sue you will always be my prayers and thoughts. She would read your comments everyday
and say Dad come here and read this
and she would smile and be so gratefull.
Special thanks to my sweet niece Gina, whose support and prayers was there everyday for Sue.
Also to the Walstad family, led by Pat and Tom with there never ending prayers and support for Sue and our entire family.
To my son in law Mike, when the chips were down you stepped up to the plate big time, my love and appreciation to you will always be there for you Sue loved you Mike.
This is the saddest time of my life
and it will take a long time if ever for me to stop missing my Sue.
So thanks again and Gods blessings to you all.
Sues loving Father Doug
I write this in shock to know that I won't get to see Susan, feel her warm personality, or hear her cheerful laugh at any of our get togethers. I will miss her greatly.
My only consolation is that God could no longer wait to add her wonderful presence her to his beautiful chourus of angels. So, I picture her front and center of his all-star line-up making him smile just like she made us smile.
I extend my sincerest condolences to Ray, Susan's family, and Ray's family, may God bless you all. Know that I am but a phone call away should you need me for anything.
Your Friend,
Uncle Doug, Auntie Kay, Kari, Kaylee, Mike, Ash and Alex - and Ray and his Family - My heart is just breaking for all of you. Sue's warm smiling spirit will be with you always...you all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Patti and Family
I meet many people daily and most come and go with a quick smile, but a few touch my heart with such a depth that they change me forever; Sue was one of those special persons that I prayed a little harder for and thanked God that she had entered my life. I want to extress my heart felt saddness to her family but I'm comforted to know that her Pirate Journey has just begun.
Velma - her physical therapist
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