Friday, February 22nd, my sister Susan was diagnosed with breast cancer....
Susan and her husband Ray - taken Jan'08

Sue's High School pic
I will let her tell the story of how it came to light, but it was not through a routine mamogram. I am Sue's sister, Kaylee and after telling friends and family of Sue's cancer, many people have called and emailed to see what is going on and where things are at with Sue. This can be a site where you can see where Sue is at and what she is thinking and let her know you are thinking of her. Please keep all of your messages P O S I T I V E ! ! It is really important for all of us, even those of you who have never met Sue, but have been asked to pray for her or are friends with someone who knows how special and wonderful she is, to keep it light and positive to help her get through all the things she will have do to overcome this.
Come and visit often, send someone you know who has a positive breast cancer survivor story to this blog and have them share and relate to Sue's challenges. That would be FABULOUS!
Sue and her goat Angel - they made the local papers!

Right now Sue is at the hospital, having a heart test to make certain she can take chemotherapy. She needs to see her oncologist who is supposed to be fabulous and was highly recommended and she needs to get a PET scan, which will hopefully be done this week. A PET scan shows if you have cancer anywhere else in your body, so PLEASE PRAY that she does not as she does not have all the facts yet about what EXACTLY is going on with her. Then next Monday she will have the chemo port put on/in her shoulder.
So she is still waiting, very anxiously and nervously for the Dr appt, PET scan and the port. Once those are done she will know what they need to do to help her and in what order.
Thank you to everyone who has called, said they'd pray or wants to give help. Sue will be journaling here soon, I just wanted to get this started and get the info out as to what is going on and where things are at and to thank you in advance for your love and support!! XOXOXO Kaylee (Susan's sister)
Ashlee, Susan, Susan's mom and Sue's sister Kari (Koo-Koo) Jan '08 at Sue's inlaws home, the Martinez's
The Frangos sisters Kari, Susan and Kaylee Jan '08
My prayers are with you! Thank you so much for letting me stay with you. It was wonderful to see you and Ray. I want you to know that I am cheering for you everyday! Gimmie a "S" gimmie a "U" gimmie a "E" what does that spell??? SUE! If you need anything please let us know. If you need me to buy some Dunkin Donut coffee I will! Bless you and Ray! Love you guys! =)
Sue - I'm thinking about, and praying for you!
Love you,
I will be praying for you the whole way through this ordeal. I am very thankful that I am here in Houston with you and that I can help you with whatever it is you need. You just have to ask (she never asks for help)!!
Love you,
Sue, Our family is praying for a swift recovery.
The Saba
you probably don't even remember me as you were a teeny GIRL when i saw you last. i remember one time we were in the basement with the 3 frangos girls and your mom. kaylee and i were headed out to go do some silly highschool "thing" together.
i don't remember what it was, but you were upset about something. kaylee said or did something and sure enough - all of the sudden you were fine.
if know kaylee, and the frangos "girls", they'll say and do everything they can so you'll be up and running around just like the little girl i remember.
take care and i'll be saying a prayer.
keri stefan
My precious little girl, I am so thankful to God for moving Kookoo & I here by you. He is wonderful! You always think of others but now you must let us all HELP YOU, PLEASE let us know what support or help is needed big or small God has us here for you! Together we can be strong day by day! Remember Psalm 91:11-12--He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. May God bless you & Ray today with a special blessing, I love you mom
Dear Susie, Hope,love and prayers from us to you.You know you can't keep a Sponge Bob fan down!Laughter is a beautiful thing,I have always admired your sense of humor.I have read that watching funny movies releases endomorphins that helprelieve pain and just help you tofeel better. Laurel &Hardy and W.C.Fields are some I recommend highly!Remember God is with you.Love,Karen&Mike
Sue, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet, but look forward to it through your wonderful mother.I want you to know that a day doesn't go by without prayers being sent out for you. Everyone here in the nursery are praying for your speedy recovery.God is awesome and he answers prayers.I pray for your strength and encouragement. My cousin has been fighting cancer for over 15 years and God has always provided her with His love and assurance that He is in control. He is taking care of you and I pray you will feel his healing hands upon you.
Take care and know He is always with you and our prayers are as well.
Karen Taylor
nursery coordinator
Second Baptist Church
This is from Sue's Aunt Helen (our mother's sister)
We have Sue and all of you in
> our hearts and prayers. I was hoping that she
> could've had the tests all done today and Monday but
> I gather from Kaylee's e-mail that the PET, port and
> the oncologist's visit will be next Monday. Be sure
> to let Sue and Ray know that we love them and are
> keeping them in our prayers and praying especially
> that the cancer is contained in the breast and that
> God's healing, love and grace will be with Sue and all
> of you. Please send us Sue's e-mail address. I do
> have her home address and will get a card and note
> off to her tomorrow. Love you and may God's Peace and
> Love be with you and yours, Sis Helen, Vicki, Bob and Andrew
Hey Susie - not to worry - you are a Magnuson and we all know how blessed they are so you just leave it in God's hands and the rest of us will keep the prayer light burning. You're so very blessed to have your mom and Kari there with you now - just goes to show that the Big Guy always has us covered. It's great that we have such technology to keep us all informed like this - thanks to Kaylee for setting it up. Love you kiddo. Your cuz Gina
Sue, Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Love, Kristi, Aaron and Sierra
My dear little girl Louie, you are in my thoughts heart and prayers 24-7. Like all of your family I also know how hard it is for you to ask for help. But you also know how strong a team we are when one of us needs help,and together we will kick this cancer thing in the ole butski. Your Minnesota coffee and the Gedney pickles will be coming shortly.Take care my little sweetie. Love your Robo Cop PA
Dear Susie,
Many prayers are coming your way from Minnesota. We'll be thinking of you every day and praying for you as you get through this. I'll be checking your blog for updates and progress.
I love your picture at the top of the blog! It's been a long time since we've seen each other, but that's the Susie I remember - spunky and fun. I believe you'll be full of spunk again soon. May God's peace and love be with you as you heal.
Love to you and Ray - Shelly, Pete, Harper and Hawken
Sue, I'm thinking and praying for you. You are blessed to have such a caring family that loves you so. Cindi Shannon/Nails by Cindi
We are Walstad cousins. Met you at Kaylee & Mike's wedding. How fortunate you are to have Kaylee as your sis. A wonderful family and they spread joy and spiritual bliss to all. We have added you to our prayer
chain for a speedy and complete recovery. Miracles happen and you will be one. Several of my friends are breast cancer survivors and send their prayers as well.
Your blogs are inspiring.
Keep up the tedious work of recovery----
Frank and Marilyn Alvine
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