Nothing too new to report! Thanks to everyone for the comments here and the calls and emails! I will help you leave a comment if you email it to me at!
Sue has not been able to work & is having a tough time sleeping because of the blocked lymph nodes and all the swelling. My mom stayed with her today and helped her get a little more comfortable!
She heard from her Dr's office that they may have the PET scan results later this afternoon, so I am waiting to hear if that happens. If not it will be Monday. Lots of waiting at this stage of the game, waiting, praying and trying not too worry....but that is almost impossible! Have a great weekend, I will update as news comes in!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Dr Appt Set!
Good News!
Sue has a GREAT oncolgist, Dr Frank Smith at Baylor University Hospital in Houston. She was unable to get in with Dr Lynch as he will be out on vacation for most of March. So she was referred to his colleague, who is also a fabulous Dr. I have his bio from the universities webite below. She will see him this upcoming Tuesday at 1:15. So, will you please pray for wisdom for the dr and skill and the ability to help Sue overcome her cancer-thanks so much! Have a great night! I will keep updating as I get new info!
Frank E. Smith, M.D., is professor of Medicine in the section of Hematology/Medical Oncology at Baylor College of Medicine. He specializes in medical oncology with clinical interests that include medical oncology, medical complications of malignancy, cancer chemotherapy and clinical pharmacology of cancer drugs. Dr. Smith is board certified in internal medicine and oncology. He earned his medical degree from the University of Alberta College of Medicine, followed by an internship at Edmonton General Hospital in Alberta, Canada. Dr. Smith completed his residency and fellowship training in medical oncology at Baylor College of Medicine.
Sue has a GREAT oncolgist, Dr Frank Smith at Baylor University Hospital in Houston. She was unable to get in with Dr Lynch as he will be out on vacation for most of March. So she was referred to his colleague, who is also a fabulous Dr. I have his bio from the universities webite below. She will see him this upcoming Tuesday at 1:15. So, will you please pray for wisdom for the dr and skill and the ability to help Sue overcome her cancer-thanks so much! Have a great night! I will keep updating as I get new info!
Frank E. Smith, M.D., is professor of Medicine in the section of Hematology/Medical Oncology at Baylor College of Medicine. He specializes in medical oncology with clinical interests that include medical oncology, medical complications of malignancy, cancer chemotherapy and clinical pharmacology of cancer drugs. Dr. Smith is board certified in internal medicine and oncology. He earned his medical degree from the University of Alberta College of Medicine, followed by an internship at Edmonton General Hospital in Alberta, Canada. Dr. Smith completed his residency and fellowship training in medical oncology at Baylor College of Medicine.
Kaylee's Thursday Update-Thanks for your PRAYERS!
I just spoke with Susie and she just completed the PET scan. Her wonderful husband Ray took her and she said it didn't take a long time, but it hurt because her arm & breast are swollen from the blocked lymph node (WHAT a blocked lymph node??? you are asking, I will tell the story after the update!) Anyway, they gave her something which made her radio-active, which she thought was cool & so did I, so I asked her if she would glow in the dark & she said she had asked them that and the answer was no, she then asked them if her urine would!!! HAHAHA, but no. RATS. A girl can still try to have a little fun in the midst of this...
SO she will get the results in 24-48 hrs, so Fri or Monday. I asked her why she couldnt have had it on Wed, seems like we are always waiting over the weekend for some's hard for me, I can't imagine how hard and scary it is for Sue. My heart just aches for her over all of this. Thanks for praying for Sue and for Ray, it's going to be a long journey I think.
Good news also, Sue's breast cancer surgeon spoke to the "esteemed" oncolgist Dr Lynch and he will accept Sue and see her, she should hear when shortly and I will update everyone on that. SO she still needs the Dr visit, and the chemo port put in. Please pray her cancer has not spread and the Dr can see her SOON!! I told Sue I was going to go into "pitbull" mode and start making calls soon myself! HAHAHA!
SO for those of you who have not heard "how" Sue found out she had cancer, 45 days ago or more now, she was having breast swelling and some pain, so she went into her Dr, who sent her to get a mammogram and an ultrasound done of both breasts. Sue is 38 (sorry if you wanted it to be secret Sue-cats out on the world wide web) and she had not had a mammogram done as they recommend you start at 40. Anyway, it showed cysts, which they said they would watch and if they still were bothering her, she could come in and have them asperated, they also saw something they couldnt pinpoint and wanted her to come back in 60 days and do another ultrasound.
Within a month Sue was having alot of back pain, which she has never had and then one of her breasts swelled up so she went back to her Dr, who sent her to a breast specialist, who had another ultrasound done and then a CAT scan. He found a mass near her underarm, which was/still is blocking the lymph node and it's ability to drain, so the fluid was/is causing her breast, arm and hand to swell and caused the back pain. They biopsyed the mass and told her it was either an infection, breast cancer or lymphoma. After waiting for what was an eternity (24 hrs), last Friday night she found out it was breast cancer. Now, after almost a week, she has alot of pain from the lymph node which is still blocked, isn't able to sleep and has been trying to get comfortable in a chair to sleep. Please pray she can sleep,thanks! She also did not go into work today, as she has no energy and is super tired all the time.
SO here we are. With family all over and a close extended family including inlaws and friends who are like family, we knew Sue would need YOUR support and prayers and loving, encouraging comments, so I started this blog (which is a miracle I could do it!) Anyway, I have breathed a sigh of relief knowing she is going to be under Dr Lynch's care and not free floating and waiting for someone else. I know our wonderful Lord has a plan and has us all in His care, especially Sue right now. I love you all and appreciate and thank you for your care and concern for my baby sister. Keep the encouragement coming for Sue!! Also, for those of you who want to leave a comment, but are having trouble, you can email your comment to me and I will post it. Email it to!
SO she will get the results in 24-48 hrs, so Fri or Monday. I asked her why she couldnt have had it on Wed, seems like we are always waiting over the weekend for some's hard for me, I can't imagine how hard and scary it is for Sue. My heart just aches for her over all of this. Thanks for praying for Sue and for Ray, it's going to be a long journey I think.
Good news also, Sue's breast cancer surgeon spoke to the "esteemed" oncolgist Dr Lynch and he will accept Sue and see her, she should hear when shortly and I will update everyone on that. SO she still needs the Dr visit, and the chemo port put in. Please pray her cancer has not spread and the Dr can see her SOON!! I told Sue I was going to go into "pitbull" mode and start making calls soon myself! HAHAHA!
SO for those of you who have not heard "how" Sue found out she had cancer, 45 days ago or more now, she was having breast swelling and some pain, so she went into her Dr, who sent her to get a mammogram and an ultrasound done of both breasts. Sue is 38 (sorry if you wanted it to be secret Sue-cats out on the world wide web) and she had not had a mammogram done as they recommend you start at 40. Anyway, it showed cysts, which they said they would watch and if they still were bothering her, she could come in and have them asperated, they also saw something they couldnt pinpoint and wanted her to come back in 60 days and do another ultrasound.
Within a month Sue was having alot of back pain, which she has never had and then one of her breasts swelled up so she went back to her Dr, who sent her to a breast specialist, who had another ultrasound done and then a CAT scan. He found a mass near her underarm, which was/still is blocking the lymph node and it's ability to drain, so the fluid was/is causing her breast, arm and hand to swell and caused the back pain. They biopsyed the mass and told her it was either an infection, breast cancer or lymphoma. After waiting for what was an eternity (24 hrs), last Friday night she found out it was breast cancer. Now, after almost a week, she has alot of pain from the lymph node which is still blocked, isn't able to sleep and has been trying to get comfortable in a chair to sleep. Please pray she can sleep,thanks! She also did not go into work today, as she has no energy and is super tired all the time.
SO here we are. With family all over and a close extended family including inlaws and friends who are like family, we knew Sue would need YOUR support and prayers and loving, encouraging comments, so I started this blog (which is a miracle I could do it!) Anyway, I have breathed a sigh of relief knowing she is going to be under Dr Lynch's care and not free floating and waiting for someone else. I know our wonderful Lord has a plan and has us all in His care, especially Sue right now. I love you all and appreciate and thank you for your care and concern for my baby sister. Keep the encouragement coming for Sue!! Also, for those of you who want to leave a comment, but are having trouble, you can email your comment to me and I will post it. Email it to!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Sue's Family -FYI!
This is a family update: you'll be hearing alot about all of these people who makeup Sue's immediate family. I hope this helps those of you who may not know Sue, or know who the rest of her family is... but came here to get an update, share a story or leave a comment and are praying for her! Here they are!
Susan's Dad-Doug Frangos
Susan flying a kite on the 4th of July : I LOVE this pic!
Susan's Inlaw's, The Raymond Martinez Family: Janie, Ray , Raymond & Jessica
Ray's sister Jessica and his "adopted" sister Gloria!
Susan's nephew, Alex : Kaylee & Mike's son
On a visit to Houston last Nov '07 Sue's brother in law Mike is in green!
You've been introduced to the rest!We LOVE to eat in Texas!

You've been introduced to the rest!We LOVE to eat in Texas!
Sue's Update for Wed!
Hello everyone-
I am back at work today. I am going to try and work 10 – 3 each day. It’s going good so far. Just getting dug out of a mess! It feels good to be here.
I got my PET scan set up for tomorrow at 1:15. I will be relived to get that out of the way and find out just exactly what’s going on and set up a plan!
***kaylee's note***
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who has called, emailed or left a comment to express your love, care and concern! We are all thankful for everyone's prayers and positive thoughts, we will be updating the blog as new info becomes available. Hopefully tomorrow Sue will have heard about her oncologist (cancer Dr) and have an appt set up for really soon.
Sue also had the cardio exam yesterday and she is waiting for the results of that. Please pray for a great dr for her as the oncologist was referred to couldn't fit her in until the end of March. They are going to have the referring Dr call him, so maybe he can fit her in. Thanks!
Also, the Lord is already at work, there are literally hundreds of people praying for Susan, people we all don't even know. Thank you so much! My mother told me today her church has a cancer support group and it is across the street from Sue's and Susan goes there, so she and my mom and perhaps others will be attending that! I was so happy to hear that! I also posted instructions on how to leave a comment and encourage you to do so! Thanks for visiting this site and for your comments and concern.
I am back at work today. I am going to try and work 10 – 3 each day. It’s going good so far. Just getting dug out of a mess! It feels good to be here.
I got my PET scan set up for tomorrow at 1:15. I will be relived to get that out of the way and find out just exactly what’s going on and set up a plan!
***kaylee's note***
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who has called, emailed or left a comment to express your love, care and concern! We are all thankful for everyone's prayers and positive thoughts, we will be updating the blog as new info becomes available. Hopefully tomorrow Sue will have heard about her oncologist (cancer Dr) and have an appt set up for really soon.
Sue also had the cardio exam yesterday and she is waiting for the results of that. Please pray for a great dr for her as the oncologist was referred to couldn't fit her in until the end of March. They are going to have the referring Dr call him, so maybe he can fit her in. Thanks!
Also, the Lord is already at work, there are literally hundreds of people praying for Susan, people we all don't even know. Thank you so much! My mother told me today her church has a cancer support group and it is across the street from Sue's and Susan goes there, so she and my mom and perhaps others will be attending that! I was so happy to hear that! I also posted instructions on how to leave a comment and encourage you to do so! Thanks for visiting this site and for your comments and concern.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The Diagnosis....
Friday, February 22nd, my sister Susan was diagnosed with breast cancer....
Susan and her husband Ray - taken Jan'08

Sue's High School pic
I will let her tell the story of how it came to light, but it was not through a routine mamogram. I am Sue's sister, Kaylee and after telling friends and family of Sue's cancer, many people have called and emailed to see what is going on and where things are at with Sue. This can be a site where you can see where Sue is at and what she is thinking and let her know you are thinking of her. Please keep all of your messages P O S I T I V E ! ! It is really important for all of us, even those of you who have never met Sue, but have been asked to pray for her or are friends with someone who knows how special and wonderful she is, to keep it light and positive to help her get through all the things she will have do to overcome this.
Come and visit often, send someone you know who has a positive breast cancer survivor story to this blog and have them share and relate to Sue's challenges. That would be FABULOUS!
Sue and her goat Angel - they made the local papers!

Right now Sue is at the hospital, having a heart test to make certain she can take chemotherapy. She needs to see her oncologist who is supposed to be fabulous and was highly recommended and she needs to get a PET scan, which will hopefully be done this week. A PET scan shows if you have cancer anywhere else in your body, so PLEASE PRAY that she does not as she does not have all the facts yet about what EXACTLY is going on with her. Then next Monday she will have the chemo port put on/in her shoulder.
So she is still waiting, very anxiously and nervously for the Dr appt, PET scan and the port. Once those are done she will know what they need to do to help her and in what order.
Thank you to everyone who has called, said they'd pray or wants to give help. Sue will be journaling here soon, I just wanted to get this started and get the info out as to what is going on and where things are at and to thank you in advance for your love and support!! XOXOXO Kaylee (Susan's sister)
Ashlee, Susan, Susan's mom and Sue's sister Kari (Koo-Koo) Jan '08 at Sue's inlaws home, the Martinez's
The Frangos sisters Kari, Susan and Kaylee Jan '08
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